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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Hell, TSLRP has only 5 bugs left to go!
  2. That is so sweet I crapped my pants.
  3. Oh, that's very true. I'd just rather not go there again.
  4. Yeah, no, don't say that.
  5. I'm sold. Why couldn't Frontier look this good...
  6. Bah, you beat me to it!
  7. Oh, its ZOE, without the "cockpits".
  8. Trailer
  9. LOL, Nothing to see here folks, move along.
  10. Same bat time, same bat channel.
  11. Fanboy of what? Macross? My bad for getting involved in the discussion, you gamer types are way too sensitive. Exit, stage left!
  12. No, but its true. Plus, PC > all of you.
  13. Pot... Kettle... Black You guys keep posting, I'll keep responding with this.
  14. Pot... Kettle... Black
  15. Kurisama, you made me laugh out loud, man.
  16. You can officially put a fork in the "Frank Miller" movie genre.
  17. "Surprise PS fanboys!" Pot... Kettle... Black Oh yes:
  18. Oooh, I see how it works. Interesting.
  19. So its done while the game is in use? And then saved? I downloaded texmod a few days ago, never opened it, though.
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