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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'm hoping its just a coincidence...
  2. That won't happen, that would be too cool. I keep hoping for a galactic civil war, but Kawamori refuses to give it to me!
  3. Galaxy are the bad guys!
  4. Yeah, this was brought up when we first learned her name. I don't know what to think about it, really.
  5. Because I disagree with you, I'm trolling? I've insulted no one here, nor have I intentionally made any inflammatory comments. Fact is we were finally provided with some real information about Sheryl's origins after this thread was started. I am simply working off of that. Right now, I am going by Shery's memories, Grace's story, and Ozma's total lack of any recognition when it comes to Sheryl, and he was there when the 117th Fleet incident went down. But we still have anywhere from 8 to 10 episodes left, so who knows. Kawamori could do anything he wanted with it, really. I just happen to think anything that really goes past what we already know is going to come off and very convoluted to me.
  6. LOL, you guys kill me. You can make the stretch that Sheryl is some sort of Ranshe/Mao clone with little to not evidence outside of a screen shot and the last name of someone who've we've come to find out had a totally fabricated life, but you can't see the likelyhood of Sherly being one in a line of test subjects based on the scene where she is referred to by Grace and her cohorts as the 9th Fairy?
  7. Battle Frontier's main gun. That's my story, atleast (why I went positive and not neutral). The gun firing without transforming gained Kawamori and co. some huge bonus points from me.
  8. Yes, its "alpha", not "alpha bombay". Too much misinformation going into these "theories" as well.
  9. The more convoluted Sheryl's origin becomes, the more I want to stick my head into the oven.
  10. Yes, but my question is, is this really what you want out of this show? Do you really want Anakin to have built C3-P0, and Yoda being friends with Chewbacca?
  11. You mean overzealous fanboys that blow everything out of proportion and make wild and generally inaccurate statements?
  12. All of these theories are very possible, but is that really what you guys want? A big convoluted guess who?
  13. I don't recall Zentradi having anything but normal ears in the original series. What we've seen since then is retcon. And its "Milia", not "Miriya".
  14. What about Shery's memories shown early in the series of being alone on the streets on the Galaxy? I'm sorry, I'm just not buying Sheryl being a Ranshe clone with Mao's blood or whatever it is you guys want her to be at this point. Even Lucas wouldn't come up with a plotline this convoluted and silly.
  15. You call it more than meets the eye, I call it convoluted. I call it bad storytelling.
  16. Which again is silly, considering they've barely finished a quarter of the game at this point.
  17. Xenu, indeed. I think they lock all of these threads for a reason...
  18. Well, they certainly have the same character designer. So, my question is, just how convoluted do you guys want Sheryl's lineage to be?
  19. So Sheryl is some sort of Ranshe clone with Mao Nome's blood? Or, how about a Mao clone! Or maybe Grace was originally Mao's daughter, and Sheryl her daughter. Or how about Mao's son and Ranshe had an affair, and Ranshe was pregnant and had a child without her husband knowing! WHAT IF, WHAT IF, MAO WAS ACTUALLY A MAN, BABY!
  20. Safe assumption, Grace calls Sheryl the 9th Fairy (or was it 8th, someone should check for me ), which certainly sounds to me like there were previous test subjects. And blood keeps being brought up when we know that's exactly the kind of experimentation they've been doing. It tells us nothing. At this point, if Kawamori goes back this late in the game and starts throwing plot twists and out of this world coincidences at us, it will ruin any sense of storytelling in this series. I guess this kinda thing works for the "Lost" crowd, but I think its just totally nonsense. To me, Sheryl's story is far more compelling as the woman who was discarded not once but twice; the first time by her parents, and the second time by the people who used her in some very dangerous, and most likely illegal experimentation. She is left to die, but instead stands up and fights and in the end probably is a key to the Frontier's success.
  21. She's an interstellar super star, yet no one would notice the "Nome" name? Ozma hasn't said a peep about any possible connection, and he was there when the 117th got hit.
  22. What I meant was, and this is how it came off to me, that Sheryl Nome is a total fabrication, she in reality was just another homeless girl that Grace picked up to experiment on. That was the impression I get from that scene. Maybe I am reading too much into it, I don't know. And I don't recall that issue with the blood, either, other than the fact they had clearly done something to it. Had she been Mao's granddaughter, I think this would have played out entirely differently. Somebody would have said something about it by now.
  23. Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that Sheryl Nome was not her real name. And any anomalies with her blood are most likely the result of the experimentation.
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