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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Guld, by a mile. If for some very strange reason you voted for Michel, go back and watch Plus again. Especially the movie version. Man, I just don't know how you could vote for anyone over Guld here.
  2. There used to be a website, don't recall the name. Late 90's, that had hundreds if not thousands of anime wavs. Pretty sure its long since gone.
  3. Watched the first episode. The animation is a bit painful, and I was kinda shocked by the pipe laying session. Wasn't expecting that in a TV show. Does the show have any sort of story arch, or is it a mission an episode?
  4. Not really, but hey, whatever. Following the box office is kind of silly.
  5. Honestly, you can probably make up just about anything you want with what you have seen. When it comes to Macross, there isn't alot of continuity when it comes to tech.
  6. Man, if I said it once, I said it a thousand times. For the life of me I do not understand why a series such as this (or say, Eureka 7) can look so good, but somehow they are unable to even come close when it comes to the newest entry of the Macross franchise.
  7. Veritech, indeed! Anywho, here we have another example of tech in Macross that Kawamori and company have given little to no thought about. Don't ever expect to see any consistency within each series, let alone the entire franchise.
  8. Usually you can upgrade after a year and a half.
  9. Reliability, you hit the nail on the head.
  10. On the subject of mkv files, the problem is burning them. I know some people have older machines that have trouble playing them, but my biggest complaint is they are very tricky to burn and burn successfully.
  11. The RPG manuals are little more than fanfiction.
  12. I told you, Cuban hookers don't have left feet!
  13. All of which are pretty useless for our purposes. Almost all of us download the RAWs the day its broadcast, then then the subtitled release the following week. There aren't multiple subtitle or audio tracks. For us its just a pain in the butt.
  14. Again, in the end, it doesn't really matter, as we'll likely not see the character again in the current Batman movie franchise.
  15. Ozma also being one of the survivors.
  16. No, because Hikaru had less balls then Minmay did. Very true.
  17. I don't think anyone here has really figured out much of anything, including me.
  18. Nanase is going to eat it. Soon. Maybe next episode soon.
  19. He was smacking Minmay around a bit.
  20. Its gotten some rather bad reviews, I ended up not going to see it.
  21. Adjust for inflation, its really not that close. Hell, Titanic doesn't even make the top 5.
  22. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND NATURAL, THINK OF THE CAT GIRLS!! Can the poll be edited to include cat girls?
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