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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Spore. Its the game you get your girlfriend into so you have time to go play something more... serious. Or maybe your kids. If it was a Sims game, it would be considered light. Its certainly not at the level of a Sim(fill in the blank) game. I'm just flabbergasted that they spent that much time, and produced that much hype, yet have so little to show for it. It is, in a word, shallow. I am going to go back to shooting aliens and saving colonies from asteroids.
  2. Boy, this thread sure has degenerated into a bunch of silly nonsense. Its all kissing, sex, boobs, and swirls.
  3. Something to keep in mind, the new 80GB's are using a smaller manufacturing process, its either 45nm or 65nm, I haven't been able to find solid info on that. Anywho, it'll draw less juice and produce less heat than any of the earlier models.
  4. No, I'm complaining about how it was sculpted. Her breasts don't look anywhere near that bad in the anime.
  5. Aaron Eckhart Discusses the Future of Harvey Dent HE'S DEAD. MOVE ALONG.
  6. Don't like the boobs in the top one, its as if the sculptor had only ever seen fake breasts.
  7. I'm getting the new 80GB sku this month. I admit I'm mostly getting it for the Blu-ray player, but I can't wait to get into some Force Unleashed and MGS4.
  8. No, that's really him.
  9. I haven't seen any Mikimoto work in a while, he certainly looks as if he has dialed it back a bit (which I think is a good thing).
  10. That there is comedy. I've been waiting for what, 4 years since the last Jedi Knight game, to be able to play another game like this. For me, hurling force powers and chopping up guys with a lightsaber just never gets old.
  11. QFT, where do I sign up?
  12. Which one has the Holy Lonely Light duet on it?
  13. We should probably take this discussion to the Amelie thread. You get back to me when you have the boob count from this movie.
  14. I dunno, this all seems pretty tame to me. I'm surprised it hasn't degenerated into a DYRL? dub quote fest.
  15. That is why you fail.
  16. L2Post, n00b!
  17. aka "Virmire Worm Food"
  18. This movie is all about the Glaive. And Freddie Jones. That dude is all character. I think a "B" is a solid rating for it, considering the nostalgia factor. I dig it.
  19. Ok, finally sat down with the first 6 episodes. I love the character designs, the animation is solid, as is the direction. The Xam'd design itself isn't all that great, I just don't get that "fools about to get blasted!" feeling when our hero goes all Xam'd on the Humanforms. But, the story has my interest so far, and its easy to continue and watch a series with this level of quality. Looks like another winner by BONES.
  20. WOAH WOAH WOAH. Don't go dissing Amelie!
  21. Come on, guys, its "Yin" not "Ying".
  22. The sad: Guld The bold: Guld The ugly: Guld
  23. This would not shock me, LOL.
  24. Or it could pull a Macross Zero, and leave everyone sort of flat.
  25. So, I got around to snagging Bionic Commando Rearmed. Absolutely love it, high on the nostalgia factor. I have to say its a tad too easy, though.
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