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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I dunno, this seems like a total assumption on their part, and not very well thought out.
  2. I have a friend who is into these sorts of games and he actually went out and got it for his PSP to go along with his 360 copy. He really likes it. Tells me all I need to know. Its like the Dynasty Warrior games, Ace Combat, Armored Core... if this is the kind of game you like, you want more of it, even if it isn't totally different. I want more Jedi Knight, this game seems 100% up my alley.
  3. The Vajra remind me of bees, except instead of producing honey they produce fold quartz.
  4. And this is a bad thing?
  5. You'll be wanting the Wii version, then. Besides multiplayer, I understand it got some additional single player levels as well.
  6. Nah, see, I'm all about those games. I LOVE hitting stuff with a lightsaber and tossing around Force powers. If the story is even decent, the gameplay will be more than enough for me. Hell, I went through Jedi Academy probably 20 times.
  7. Its only a flop if it doesn't sell. I dunno, every review I've read made it sound like the Jedi Knight II games, without blasters. Actually, probably reminds me most of the reaction to ZOE. It has all the parts, but doesn't quite put it all together. And the reviews I've read seem to not only expect a sequel, but expect it to fulfill the promise of the original, which again reminds of of ZOE, as The 2nd Runner was a fantastic game. Still, I've played the hell out of JK Outcast and Academy, and expect to do the same with TFU. But I've got a few weeks to go before I get to play it.
  8. This has GOT to be the same mecha designer who did ZOE.
  9. Ozma, Alto, Luca, Ranka, Sheryl... THE FINAL FIVE CYLONS!
  10. I dunno, but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Macross F news.
  11. And let's be honest here, there is a glut of mediocre games out there.
  12. I generally don't buy games on reviews. Actually, I don't think I've bought a game based off of a good review. I tend to stick with genres and development teams I like. The only games I generally buy outside of this is because of word of mouth or seeing someone else play it (like Grand Theft Auto III or Jedi Outcast).
  13. While we are on the subject of reviews, it should be noted that genre games are often critic proof. For instance, Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI just came out for PC last week. Now, I haven't played it yet, but I do believe this game got a sub 7 review on the game sites. Fact is, I don't think any of the Koei historical simulation games ever do well, and I've been playing them for something like 20 years. But Koei keeps putting them out because there is a loyal and dedicated fanbase that loves them, including myself and my best friend. How can I expect a game journalist, who is usually playing Halo or GTA, to get this type of game?
  14. 8 rocks face. Gives you a totally different perspective on Genome, though. I always thought he had fought and lost, but this shows him to be a traitor to spiral-kind and the cause of their destruction.
  15. Heard it wasn't all that great, then a friend of mine bought it and she told me it stunk. Another case of the reviews being right.
  16. Which is a fairly average score. Good games routinely get around 9+, 8 and under are generally average to poor. One site's reviewer can be genre biased, though, its best to cross reference.
  17. I have to say, Furuichi's turn is just a wee bit cliched. I think we all saw that coming a mile away.
  18. 1. I don't recall "destiny" being the word he used. I'd have to watch it again, but I am pretty sure what Ozma is talking about there is a strange coincidence, as Mao may have been the team leader of the project Ranka's mother was working on. 2. How could they clone Roy, he was long since dead at that point. 3. Probably related, but we just don't know.
  19. No they didn't, but that's ok. I wish I could steer you in the right direction, but I'm just not as avid of a gamer these days.
  20. This thread is just a wee bit out there...
  21. PLenty of good ones out there, you just picked the wrong ones.
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