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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I think, like alot of the plot theories posted over the past several months, you are looking a little too much into things for something that isn't there. As I said, I could be totally wrong, but I think its no more of a device to tie the past to the present. I wouldn't be surprised if there was more of a connection, but I'm just not seeing it in what they've shown us so far.
  2. I am surprised no one has posted this horribly misinformed article on MSNBC: Sexploitation: Sexy anime goes mainstream
  3. Ride Armor Ex Gear is Kawamori's version of Ride Armor.
  4. Which really is the truth of the matter. Doesn't mean it won't be worked into the story.
  5. He saw that brief flash of Ranka "crucified", and you know his (personal) mission was to get in there and save her. This is much easier to do if Brera and Grace think he's dead. My guess is he wasn't even in the cockpit.
  6. With 1 episode to go, I still have yet to see anything that says the Protoculture or the Birdman from Earth is related to anything we've see happen in Frontier. Doesn't mean something can't pop up in the last episode, but as of right now I just don't see it.
  7. You know, I don't even think Alto is in the cockpit at the point he is shot. He flies behind the wrecked ship, Klan takes on Harmonica, and then we see Alto's 117 fly back into the picture with no shot of Alto in the cockpit (come on, we ALWAYS get a shot of the pilots in the cockpit, yelling and being all gar and stuff), it gets shot (still no shot of Alto reacting), and it flies up and away and blows up. Forget him bailing after he's shot, dude wasn't even in the 117 when it get nailed.
  8. The glory shall be Sheryl's! Even more so, in death!
  9. I've been going with Fabulous as well. And I don't believe PSN puts the show out in 1080.
  10. Correct me if I am wrong, but I do recall someone saying (might have been on IRC) that .
  11. Why is everyone forgetting that these guys have that Macross Ride Armor whatever its called now, and with it .
  12. Yeah, I mean, come on, its not like an Earth fleet could just fold in, it would takes days, maybe weeks to get there.
  13. She gets everlasting glory for sacrificing her life to save the fleet.
  14. I would. After months of speculation and convoluted plot theories, in the end it didn't end up being that mysterious or complicated. The story itself is pretty simple.
  15. You are making my brain hurt.
  16. Spoiler tags, they are your friend. And no, that would be silly.
  17. It'll be clarified in some publication at some point, I assume. Alot of what we know of the Macross universe came to us that way.
  18. Pretty simple, Just a guess, I could be wrong here.
  19. Alto is Geez, folks, come on.
  20. More Macross II love from Kawamori.
  21. LOL, indeed, and we'll see subs, as well.
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