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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. How? See! How did Ranshe learn it? How did Ranshe get the disease? How did Grace turn the Vajra on them? This plot hole is the size of the Frontier fleet.
  2. I agree with you, the triangle doesn't bother me either. Kinda figured no one would end up together. I don't think anyone has ended up together in a Macross story since the original. Well, ok, Shin and Sara in Zero.
  3. Except its in the opening animation of Macross Frontier. And before more than one episode. But hey, why let the facts get in the way?
  4. Not surprising. I like ya, Zin, but you have some crazy ideas. This whole discussion seems to be little more than fan fiction, to me. I am sure if I spent enough time obsessing over it, I could convince myself that Macross II was a sequel to The Goonies. I am sorry, he doesn't come anywhere close to calling the Mardook the Protoculture or the creators of the Zentradi. You have making a mountain out of a mole hill, you are seeing something that is not there. You love Macross II, and I have no problem with that. I'm a big fan of some of the mecha in the series. And if you want to delve into fan fiction, I'd say its not my thing, but I hope that works out for you. But please, stop trying to be the Macross Compendium, because you aren't, and you're trying to push off your opinion as fact.
  5. Well, people will believe anything, I guess. There are people who believe the bible has coded messages in it, too. You state something as fact that is little more than your opinion based on some dodgy guesswork. Didn't they tell you, the only person around here who's opinion counts as fact is me.
  6. Ok, so, how does Ranka know Aimo? How did she learn the song?
  7. Most likely it was the Vajra singing.
  8. I am just going to have to rewatch the entire thing.
  9. You facts don't add up, he never comes close to saying the Mardook are the Protoculture, or that they created the Zentradi.
  10. The entire story between Grace, Ranka, and the Vajra, for one. Really, what the Vajra do besides mate and attack species they don't understand. Why they attacked humans. What role Grace really played in any of this? What happened to the Galaxy city ship? What happened to the Vajra? Geez, what happened, period?
  11. I don't think they want a totally blind fanboy review.
  12. I've been asked to review Frontier for an entertainment news website, and I have to say, the more I think about Frontier the more confused and frustrated I am by it. It has so many plot holes, so many unanswered questions, its hard to really get as grasp on this series past the initial several episodes. The pacing of the show is way off, too much relies on "anime magic" instead of having any sort of solid plot or reason behind it. And yet I really enjoyed the series, which really makes no sense to me at this point.
  13. We've gone over this already, its nose art.
  14. Maybe that is what he intended, but I never thought for a moment we'd see or hear anything that has to do with the Megaroad-01. There is never any hint of a chance that maybe, just maybe, we'll learn their fate by the end of the series. Its kinda out of left field. The ending with Bilrer works if you are holding onto the same hopes as he is. But we aren't, because Kawamori didn't set it up. Only now are we all going, holy shite, what does this mean!
  15. But why did they attack the 117th Exploration Fleet? Dr Nome & Co. seemed to be making nicey-nice with them before Grace screwed it up.
  16. Well, if they didn't understand the Protoculture, how come they didn't wipe them out? The Vajra seem to be all about attacking things they don't understand. And your Birdman/Fishman theory, well, see, that makes too much sense to be what Kawamori intended, LOL.
  17. It didn't seem to me like the Protoculture had much control over what was going on. And the Vajra seem to be all over the galactic core, I am just not sure how all of this stuff goes down without hearing from them before.
  18. I am beginning to wonder if we don't have a "Megalord Class", but right now I am going by the assumption that the Global was just a continuation of the Macross Class.
  19. If the Vajra are that almighty, why didn't they step in and stop the PC extermination? They seemed to have no problem laying waste to human fleets that they didn't understand, you'd think an interstellar civil war would have gotten their attention.
  20. Ok, I'm a little confused... why exactly did the Vajra attack the humans in the first place? To me it never seemed clear what Grace did to piss them off THAT much.
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