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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Ah yes, but that doesn't explain how she turned the Vajra against the humans. In one flashback, Brera seems to imply that Ranka caused the attack.
  2. Have you seen DYRL or Plus? Or Zero, for that matter?
  3. I wonder why they give some names and not to others. Its very inconsistent.
  4. Global-04 LOL
  5. You know, the Global cannot be the Macross-04, because that designation belongs to the New Macross Class vessels. I don't know why I didn't remember that.
  6. So the others are just an error in the animation?
  7. Is this in the anime, because I don't remember it? I don't know how I missed this.
  8. Because the plot is silly and the characters are kinda lame. But the emulators idea is kinda cool, and there are some pretty sweet mecha designs to be seen. All that said, Kawamori has done him damnedest to work II concepts into the franchise.
  9. Ugh, I don't want a retelling. They cut out so much of the story as it is to cram it into 25 episodes. You cut anything more, and its just a mecha-fest.
  10. Like what has been canon for over 2 decades.
  11. Whatever you want to believe, Zin. Nevermind it actually says "Super Dimension Fortress Megaroad-0X". Never let the facts get in the way of Zin!
  12. Let me quote you: "At several different points in Entertainment Bible, the Mardook are referred to as the creators of the Zentradi." From this thread.
  13. This thread is full of fail.
  14. 5 points for effort!
  15. Uh, no. The SDF-003 is its designation.
  16. Have you seen Eureka Seven?
  17. See, I really like this idea. Adds some mythology to the Protoculture.
  18. They may have, but they also may have simply rekindled their friendship. There really isn't exactly alot of romance between them in Plus.
  19. This whole discussion makes me think of Robotech. Back in he old a.f.m days, there were fans who SWORE the SDF-2 appears in the original animation.
  20. Tell me I am seeing things: Super Dimension Fortress Megaroad-01 SDF-002 Super Dimension Fortress Megaroad-02 SDF-003 Super Dimension Fortress Megaroad-04 SDF-005 Super Dimension Fortress Megaroad-06 SDF-007 Super Dimension Fortress Megaroad-09 SDF-010 Super Dimension Fortress Megaroad-13 SDF-014
  21. I think he's right, Zero definitely beats out II for worst ending.
  22. I don't know, Plus was pretty impressive.
  23. The Protoculture admired, and perhaps even worshiped the Vajra. The APHOS was built to resemble the Vajra queen. Made in her image, so to speak. You'll see when the subs come out.
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