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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. "This game has more story content than every single other Bioware game put together."
  2. This is true.
  3. No reason why you can't. Really, you can do this with most MMO's.
  4. "hmm, he casually mentions smugglers, soldiers, criminals, possible classes, mayhap!"
  5. IGN is really where it is at right now, and they are going to have alot more tomorrow.
  6. "the team suggests that there's enough content in Star Wars: The Old Republic to call it "Knights of the Old Republic 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9." At first hearing, it's easy to suspect that's just marketing hype, particularly since it was delivered to us more than a couple of times by more than a couple of different people. Nevertheless, it seems to be entirely accurate to claim that, in the team's words, this is "the biggest and most ridiculous BioWare game ever made." "Twelve full-time writers have been working on the content for this game for years already." "NOT d20"
  7. "no content shared at all between classes"
  8. I wouldn't read too much into that. I've killed tens of thousands of players in WoW, and not one of them stayed dead.
  9. You can be a member of the Sith Empire but be "good". This is certainly interesting.
  10. It sounds like good or evil is dependent on how you play your character. And this influences your companion character. And they are being VERY evasive, but they do have their KotOR and Baldur folks working on this title. Its Bioware, I can't imagine how they could screw this up. Also, the game is currently "pre-alpha".
  11. You need to read the 1up liveblog.
  12. Yes, RvR PvP was mentioned specifically. Some early, pre-production screens:
  13. Looks like IGN got a sneak preview: http://pc.ign.com/articles/922/922115p1.html
  14. Faction: Galactic Republic or Sith Empire classes within each faction
  15. Its is "The Old Republic", " a game for KOTOR fans who don't play MMOs." Its set 300 years after KotOR.
  16. Better liveblog from 1up: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3170784
  17. Joystiq is doing a liveblog of the event.
  18. I am assuming this goes down at 2PM PST.
  19. Break your PS3? What are you, brain damaged? What kind of alarmist nonsense is this?
  20. Picking up where the last left off! Currently watching: Casshern Sins Xam'd Lost Memories
  21. Another clueless Robotech fan asks about original designs being used in the movie.
  22. He's not looking at an upgrade, he's looking at entirely new build. Smaller files are far cheaper.
  23. Download the smaller files. What you have can't handle the bigger ones. Sorry, Vic.
  24. Fable II Mass Effect
  25. The TEKNOMEKA is awesome, really nice work.
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