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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Yeah, what he said.
  2. Might be able to take it out all together, really. I'm down to two 120mm case fans these days, and they do very well.
  3. Human nature? No, they're Zentradi.
  4. Anirena is down, so you can't download the torrent.
  5. Your cabling makes the Baby Jesus cry.
  6. Yeah, episode 13 was the last I caught. Wonder what happened. STICKY STICKY!
  7. I wouldn't call the art problems "minor", unless you are insinuating that 10 year olds were responsible for it (which is completely possible given the level of quality).
  8. That is why you fail...
  9. Scoundrel/Guardian dual sabers crit machine FTW.
  10. But you are watching Linebarrel. What does that say about you, exactly?
  11. Meh, I can top it. Its once again being handled by Bones.
  12. I don't recall it being that bad.
  13. No. W00t!
  14. The only long boss battle I can recall is Yiazmat, and none of the FF bosses have been all that difficult.
  15. Why would you assume TOR would be like KotOR, especially when the FF MMO (which you reference) is clearly nothing like the RPG? The same goes for Warcraft and Warhammer.
  16. If by "hard core gamers" you mean the whiny, very vocal SWG elitists, then yes, you would be correct.
  17. Sequel to the series is in pre-production. And yes, I agree.
  18. No. People play Jedi in large numbers because that is what they enjoy. Why punish the majority to appease the elitist minority? Plus, this is the Old Republic time period, there are alot of Force users running about, both good and bad. Just because some very vocal SWG crackpots want to enforce their Galaxies-centric view of TOR doesn't mean they should be listened to. We have so little information right now on the game, I hate to say anything about what they should be doing when they very well may be doing it. Personally, I think its a mistake if they only have one Jedi and one Sith Force user class. Going by their own previous game design, they have melee Jedi, caster Jedi, and a hybrid of the two. This would certainly go a long way to balancing out class population issues.
  19. Xam'd, possibly Casshern. Xam'd for sure.
  20. Yes, I suppose you are right. After 7, it would be hard for anything to be considered worse.
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