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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Eden of the East is interesting. Not quite sure where its going, and it has a strange start, but, its interesting. Personally, I am preferring the Frostii subs.
  2. Depends in your taste in film. The Blade Runner release is generally considered worth the upgrade alone, it justifies the format. 2001 and Close Encounters are also amazing releases. Really, I don't own anything on BD (though, I am even pickier with BD transfer quality than I am with film in general, do check reviews before buying) that isn't a far superior upgrade over its DVD release.
  3. Search function is your friend. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...p;hl=CatShitOne
  4. Just watched Freedom, it was a waste of time.
  5. Commander Shepard probably isn't dead in Mass Effect 2 Joystiq.com by Griffin McElroy { May 2nd 2009 at 4:00PM } Following the release of the Mass Effect 2 teaser trailer, we've all been nervous wrecks about the assumedly unfortunate fate of the first Mass' protagonist, Commander Shepard. We really do not want him to be dead. We spent so much time molding him, as if from clay, to look just like us, only much more attractive. Fortunately, at the end of a recent Mass Effect 2 dev blog post, the game's executive producer, Casey Hudson, responded to the notion of Shepard's corpsification, saying he "better not be." He continued, "we had a lot of big plans made, so if someone's gone and killed Shepard then things are going to take an unexpected turn." So, there you have it. Either Shepard is still alive, or some unknown, shadowy agent murdered him without Bioware's noticing. Either way, we should know more about Shepard's status when we see the game next month at E3.
  6. The Da Vinci Code was a mediocre novel that was entertaining enough to finish. The fact that the movie was equally as mediocre should not have surprised anyone. The Marvel Comics Presents Weapon X story is fairly simple and not overly long (not to mention very good). They could easily have adapted it. Whether you believe it would have worked or not doesn't really matter, fact is, what they did do looks to be a complete failure.
  7. Never had any interest in seeing this, but if Marvel had been smart, they would have faithfully adapted the original "Weapon X" story in Marvel Comics Presents for the screen and kept it at that.
  8. When you look at it, they're basically being run by a bunch of generation X fanboys, whose talent isn't above that of say, your average fanfiction writer. I wonder if these guys realize how inferior their product is compared to Frontier (for example), or do they all see themselves as modern day American Hideaki Anno's?
  9. I can't believe I actually followed those links to the Rt forums. I think my IQ dropped 50 points after reading some of that.
  10. Mmm, mashed potatoes.
  11. This is incorrect. They've been selling DYRL merchandise for several years now (more than 2, less than 5). Also, I believe that Tatsunko had atleast some limited rights to DYRL. Again, this was all covered a long time ago in forums we no longer have access to.
  12. That's pretty much it, but as far as I know, HG still claims to control ALL things Macross outside of Japan, including the animation. Why, I do not know. All information we have, including the legal proceedings in Japan, tell us they control nothing more than the original SDF Macross animation and the merchandising rights to said show and DYRL outside of Japan. That's it.
  13. You can't, its "archived". Only Shawn has access to the material in the old forums.
  14. Actually, those are the *original* Vajra poles that inspired the Protoculture.
  15. My hat size is 7 5/8's, not a chance in hell I could get one of these things on.
  16. Honestly, without the original thread in the archived forums, you guys have about 25% of the story and analysis.
  17. Not entirely true, but unfortunately, most of the real guts of the legal discussion here are locked away in the old forum archives. I don't imagine this thread is going to survive much longer.
  18. The uneducated believe alot of things.
  19. It can't, they have no rights to it other than the original animation and international merchandising. They can't produce new animation with the SDF-1 in it, or Valkyries, or anything that has had the Macross named stamped on it since then. Popularity wise, its not even a contest. Its not even close.
  20. That the Boston Red Sox "bought" their 2004 and 2007 championships?
  21. I would argue that the character animation (and consistency) in 7 was much better than what we saw in Frontier.
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