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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. The trailer looks like the same, lazy assed release like they are doing with alot of anime these days. They reuse the TV animation, tack on a few new scenes, and call it a movie. What it ends up being is an uneven, poorly cut, and badly paced production. Yuck.
  2. This would be a strange way to announce it, as the images we have seen so far look like nothing in MGS4.
  3. I think the Raiden thing is a red herring. The only two pictures we have seen so far (the original magazine teaser and now the website image) don't suggest anything that says modern or futuristic. What little can be seen in them looks rather dated. In other words, with what we see right now, I doesn't *look* like a direct sequel to MGS4, or anything close to the Snatcher universe. If its not another "prequel" MGS, my guess would be a new IP. Still no love for ZOE, though...
  4. KOJIMA PROJEXT "NEXT" Joystiq.com: Kojima website updates with countdown and mysterious "5" 1up.com: Kojima Productions Teaser Site: Is That A "5"? IGN.com: MGS5 Announcement Coming This Week? The webpage source code reveals only these clues: "Hideo Kojima, MGS,METAL GEAR, NEXT, game, konami, kojima game, KJP, Kojima Production" Thunder and lightning? Is it Raiden? Is it all just a ruse? Might this end up being an entirely different IP? Stay tuned!
  5. That is why... you fail.
  6. Here, I edited your review down to make it more readable.
  7. Where is Haruhi Suzumiya season 2????? WHERE IS IT, GODDAMNIT?!
  8. Thankfully, a majority of those people are unable to reproduce, so they'll be all but extinct within a generation or two.
  9. Yeah, its a wiki. You could edit it to say "Garfield" instead of a "VF-1 Valkyrie" if one so desired.
  10. Writer Roberto Orci cited Star Wars (1977) as an influence in giving this film a epic feel: "I wanted to feel the space, to feel speed and to feel all the things that can become a little bit lost when Star Trek becomes very stately - although I love that about it." The film pays homage to Star Wars (1977) in the Cantina scene, in the action sequences, and particularly in Kirk and Spock's relationship ("Han Solo wasn't friends with anyone when the journey started, then...").
  11. That's because of the heavy Star Wars flavor!
  12. You do realize they never had any intention of making a faithful adaptation of the book, don't you? The book was only the basis for the movie.
  13. Yeah, that was kinda lame.
  14. Yes, which is why I make sure I keep pointing out I am not a fan.
  15. But its vastly more popular. Personally, I don't like Gundam, at all. Just making a point.
  16. Yeah, what he said. Trek surpassing Star Wars would be like Macross surpassing Gundam.
  17. One thing that always bothered me about Star Trek was how clean everything was (this goes for the Star Wars prequels, as well). I didn't get that feeling at all in this movie.
  18. I admit, Khan has a certain charm to it, and 4 always has amused me, but you have got to be kidding me. The first film is not good (though not horrible), but 3, 5, and 6 are flat out bad. I wouldn't admit to most people that I had actually seen them (though, I am not a trekkie). Granted, the story is almost an afterthought, but this is the most alive any of these characters have ever been.
  19. The weakest part of this movie was the story; really, its all about the characters. The plot is an afterthought.
  20. Not a Trek fan, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Good, but not great, definitely entertaining. Really had alot of fun watching it. Lots of fist fights, pussy, and explosions. Also, very Star Wars. VERY Star Wars.
  21. I wouldn't worry about it, HG can't legally do that.
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