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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. 1up.com did their own translation, which you can read a bit of here. Sounds like they may be dropping "Solid" from the title. Also, it sounds like they are going to use the MGS4 game engine, but they are changing up the game mechanics. Reading some other bits of the article, Kojima seems concerned the changes to the game (mechanics?) will cause the game to not sell well outside of Japan. Also, it seems as if they are expecting the announcement of this game to have a real impact, as far as what the game is and who is in it. And, of course, Kojima likes that this slow trickle of information is keeping people guessing, and that these characters may not be who (or when?) you think they are.
  2. This shite gets even more bizarre. Kojima's viral marketing via youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jyX8iYpSCc...player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHRkzVDJxSk...player_embedded
  3. Some conjecture from the Providence Video Game Examiner: "In the Famitsu article, you can see that the character has a red eye. Raiden has blue eyes. Gray Fox, better known as Frank Jaeger, had red eyes and lost one during his fight with Metal Gear Rex in Metal Gear Solid."
  4. And yet another translation (via Dir_en_grey on n4g): HM: xxx of xxx? KJ: It should be xxx, xxxxxxx. HM: ahh! I see!! KJ: xxxxx xxxxx xxx. Well, it's not gonna be "x", but our efforts is to make "x". Which will be, this baby right here. I can't say the title yet, but this is the mainstream/what we are aiming for. It's going to be the orthodox of the "Metal Gear Solid Saga" up until now. HM: The year is xxx? KJ: No, it's xxx. If I say it correctly it should be xxx. Right now I am doing all the game design and directing. HM: wow! KJ: I think the game is gonna be sold mainly in Japan, but it's going to have a world wide release. To me it's "xxxx". I can't call this "x" (5), but we are putting a lot of work into the story, also it's being made by the MGS4 staff. HM: I see, that is great! KJ: Right now in Kojima Productions, we are actually re-refining our tech department and our staffs while making this. Normally this should really be passed on to somebody else... KJ: The mark on this old guy's hat is going to become really important. HM: Speaking of this mark, I see it's not a fox. It's drawn kinda like a world map. KJ: Because not only the mark, but the game, and the system (could be translated as either play style OR actual new system/console) will all become new. HM: Is it xx-xxxxxxxxxx? KJ: Yes. We will also do what can be done on xxxxxxx. xxxx is expected so that will be in for what it's worth. Oops, I've said something I wasn't planning on saying, laughs. HM: hahahaha! Is that like xxxxxx, xxxxxxx? By the way where will the stage be set for this tiem? KJ: The place is xxxxxxx. There's a place called xxxxxxxxx, somewhere within xxxxx. In the xxxxxxxx country, some xxx is doing xxx, during that, xxxxxx comes to this old guy. HM: I see. KJ: Then, this old guy was making something like the base (origin) of xxx, but then, what will happen when you go there. HM: I see, I think that works. KJ: xx is the theme. either xxxxx, or should we say because xxx is the theme, either xxxxxxxxxxxx or not, why does x exist, it's talking about the story about those parts. Everybody will probably think "Kojima is lecturing again!". Maybe the theme will be lecturing, laughs. HM: hahaha! KJ: So you are doing a really thorough interview. HM: Yes I am! KJ: This "R", is xxxxxxxxxx. That's all we've been able to gather so far. We'll keep updating you on the latest as it is revealed.
  5. We covered that like 2 pages back. Going through what's been translated, I don't see any reason to believe that the picture is not of Big Boss. There was some information out very early that supposedly hinted at this character being someone else, but as of this morning, it looks like Kojima is just being vague (keeps calling him "the old man") about his identity. The gist of what I am reading is that it may come down to the character no longer being called Big Boss in that period of time. But, until we hear otherwise, I am referring to him as Big Boss. The most reasonable explanation is that the story takes place post-Metal Gear but pre-Metal Gear Solid. This would also allow for the Cyborg Ninja to be Gray Fox. But honestly, who the hell knows? This is Kojima we are talking about, LOL.
  6. So, Raiden doesn't have the brown eyes to go along with the white hair in that picture... but Sunny does...
  7. Ok, yeah, so, doing some double checking, Raiden has blue eyes. This dude in Famitsu most certainly does not have blue eyes.
  8. And yet another translation: Famitsu: Is the generation XXX? Kojima: No, it's XXX. If I were to say it all, perhaps XXXXX. I'm currently doing the game design and direction. Famitsu: Really! Kojima: I believe Japan will be the focus, but it will be sold throughout the world. Within me, this is XXXX. I won't say it's X, but I am making a proper story, and it is being made by the MGS4 staff. Famitsu: Really! That's amazing. Elsewhere, the interview touches a bit upon the content of the game: Kojima: The mark on the old man's hat is very important Famitsu: This mark is different from a fox. It's like a world map. Kojima: Not just the mark, but the game systems are also new. Famitsu: Is it XX-XXXXXXXXXX? Kojima: Yes. We'll be doing stuff that one would expect of XXXXXXX. XXXX and so-forth are obvious, so those will be included. Uh-oh... I said stuff that was unplanned (laughs) Famitsu also asked Kojima about the setting. "The setting is XXXXXXX," responded Kojima. Apparently, something called "XXXXXXXXX" happened in this location, leaving it as a "XXXXX" country.
  9. Playstation Insider 1. (The Big Boss image is posted above) Interviewer: "Is that Big Boss?" Kojima: It's a little different from XX (or XXX's next form is a little different) Interviewer: "Whaaaattt? Different???" 2. Kojima: I still can't tell you what the title is, but this is the real deal. Put it this way, it's part of the orthodox "Metal Gear Saga" (The text below was mostly blocked out, but it talked about what timeframe the game is based in, and it appears that it's across all time periods) 3. Kojima: I want the game's core to be aimed towards Japan, and released globally. XXX... It's being made by MGS4 staff Interviewer: That's awesome! 4. Kojima: The symbol on the cap of the old man (he did not say Big Boss) will be important Interviewer: This symbol is different from the fox, it looks like a world map Kojima: No just the mark, but the system of the game will be new! Note: Kojima uses "This old man" a lot through the interview rather than referring to Big Boss 5. Interviewer: It sounds interesting, but do you think people will understand it at all? Kojima: I think people will understand Well... Tried my best to translate it, but it's so hard with all the blocked out text... bloody Kojima. That's all I can do for now, maybe I'll give it another go later Summary: Interestingly the old man in the cap might not be Big Boss, the story will be part of the main MGS saga and it will go through different time periods. New game system, and it's being made by the staff from MGS4
  10. Alot of people are pointing out the character's eye color. Alot of people seem to think its Gray Fox, but I don't know.
  11. BIG BOSS!!! WOOT! Kojima teaser site updates with ... Big Boss [update] Another countdown has come to an end on Kojima Productions' now-infamous teaser site, and, in among flashes of lightning, the unmistakable face of Big Boss appears on-screen. He looks older than he did in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and is wearing a beret bearing a patch which reads "Militares Sans Frontieres" (Military Without Borders). In Metal Gear canon, Big Boss was part of Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) in Vietnam during 1969 -- five years after the events of Snake Eater and one year before Portable Ops takes place. Will we once again be donning the Greatest Soldier's boots, this time on a sneaking mission in/during 'Nam? The new countdown ends just as E3 begins. Our anticipation? It's endless. Update: A number of commenters (thanks, guys!) have pointed our attention to a Famitsu scan which shows, among other titillating images, a clear shot of Raiden, assumedly amidst the countdown page's thundering teasers. As techno-Raiden and Naked Snake can't really occupy the same period of time, we're beginning to think Kojima's "NEXT" big project is ... well, two projects. We'd love to hear your hypothesis after the jump (where we've posted a clip of said scan). The article's headline roughly reads: "[interviewer:] Can I possibly publish this all? Kojima: Only if you blank out certain key words."
  12. Yes, Kojima redeemed Raiden in MGS4, but, like Snake, I feel like he closed out his story as well.
  13. Kojima's next game... Lord of Shadow? Saturday 23-May-2009 10:17 AM Hideo Kojima involved in Konami action game? Kojima Productions has been busily teasing away its next game this month, but after revelations in the world of magazines its next title could have already been accidentally revealed. The latest issue of PSW - which went on sale this week - features a teaser for its next issue with the headline, "Hideo Kojima's Next Game". It continues: "Konami has been busy hinting at what the Metal Gear Solid 4 developer will do next. Well we know. And all will be revealed next issue!" The teasing text is accompanied by a silhouette of what appears to be a big burly man. It's since been discovered that the silhouette pays a near-perfect resemblance to the lead character from Konami's 360 and PS3 action game, Lord of Shadow. Whoops. In case you missed it, Lord of Shadow was announced last year and is being developed by Spain-based Clive Barker's Jericho dev, Mercury Steam. It's described as a "dark fairy tale with lots of combat and puzzle solving. Konami boldly claimed, "this is a title we hope will set a new standard for action-adventure titles." Considering the big song a dance he's made recently over intentions to work with a Western developer, Kojima's supposed involvement in the game seems plausible. That said, as Lord of Shadow's isn't strictly a Kojima Productions title, we'd be surprised if it turned out to be the developer's 'big' reveal being teased on the internet this month. For the full low-down on what Kojima's up to we suppose we're going to have to tick down the hours to E3, Kojima Productions' website countdown or PSW number 122 on June 18. For the record, LoS takes place during the middle ages, and does not match the images seen on the teaser site. As reported earlier, there are most likely two games being announced at E3, one of them being MGS5.
  14. I'd prefer this as well, but I think he's wanted to move to Raiden Since MGS2 came out, and wasn't expecting the backlash that it caused. Now that Snake is done, what is to stop him?
  15. Mackey from BGC. And Ebichu, of course.
  16. See, its that kinda stuff that I hate. That and adding hard curse words where they weren't before.
  17. The site is for MGS5, the other game is a mystery, but I'm with Keith. I should never have sold ZOE 1 & 2...
  18. PSM3 is reporting that Kojima will also be announcing a game (besides MGS5, and not MGS related) for the PS3 at E3.
  19. Yeah, first new episode was like slipping a pair of old, comfy shoes back on.
  20. I said "a walrus" not "the walrus"
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