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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Even though they cannot legally do so? How is that vouching working out for you?
  2. Me too, love this show. Its on a totally different level of awesomeness than most anime.
  3. New Metal Gear PSP Named? Konami might have let it slip. by Greg Miller June 1, 2009 - Over the weekend, Qore inadvertently let it slip that the PSP Go was real and coming out this fall and that a new Metal Gear was coming to Sony's portable platform. Today, it looks like that game might have gotten a name -- Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Over on Games Press, a site for industry professionals that gathers press releases and gaming assets, the list of games that Konami Digital Entertainment is showing at E3 now promotes Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP with a release date of 2010. As if that news wasn't exciting enough, the posting also states that Metal Gear Solid: Rising -- which was announced at Microsoft's E3 press conference this morning -- is coming to the PlayStation 3 and PC as well as the Xbox 360. Hopefully, Sony's E3 press conference tomorrow morning will shed some light on this whole situation. Remember, you can watch the Sony conference as it happens tomorrow in HD-quality right here on IGN.
  4. Didn't you hear, MGS is now a hack and slash game.
  5. E3 trailer: http://www.viddler.com/explore/Joystiq/videos/1119/ No gameplay footage, but oh my goodness that is effing sweet.
  6. "You know, we didn't say that it was exclusive," clarified Xbox executive and corporate VP John Schappert (he was the guy hosting most of the event) during an interview with me immediately following the press conference. "We said that the next Metal Gear will be coming [to Xbox 360]," he said. "I couldn't be more excited about him [Kojima] working on that [Metal Gear Solid Rising] and having that be part of our show," said Schappert. "When I heard about that, I was pretty ecstatic and it was an honor to be able to be on stage with him and announcing his next Metal Gear, which will be on Xbox 360."
  7. And they would have listed it as such in their press release.
  8. I finally got the site up, looks like we may be seeing 2 more announcements, because they have space for 2 more games on the "wall" on the teaser site.
  9. Well, Microsoft lists it as non-exclusive, so I dunno. May be a timed released sort of deal.
  10. Not true, though the PS2 will still on occasion outsell them both on a month by month basis. In the interview, if you recall, Kojima's fear was the game would be far more well received in Japan than in the US. Very strange...
  11. Thanks for the title change, DA. Just a thought, what if Kojima made Rising like Tenchu...?
  12. Well, we still have yet to find out what is going on with Big Boss. I am still hoping we'll see a proper Snake game on the PS3.
  13. For the record, Rising is not exclusive Official press release from MS, Rising is listed under the games noted as 3rd party but not exclusive titles.
  14. Honestly, I'd willing give MS exclusivity with Rising if it meant a Snake (Solid/Bis Boss) game on the PS3. I am going to assume for now that the real truth is Rising is multi-platform with the Big Boss game only on the PSP.
  15. I'm still confused about Big Boss appearing on the teaser site.
  16. It wasn't announced as such, and the story broke in Famitsu's Playstation mag. Honestly, I have lost alot of the excitement I had for this game. I don't want a hack and slash MGS game. Can we get a mod to rename this thread Metal Gear Solid: Rising?
  17. I got one part right about the censored interview, they are using the MGS4 engine, but radically changing the game mechanics.
  18. What, a crappy rip-off of Armored Core?
  19. If this is going to be just a PSP release, I will be highly disappointed. I'd love a new game, but I could settle for a remake(s) or PSN release of the original MSX games.
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