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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Wrex has been seen in gameplay footage, as well.
  2. Still very possible, but also still an entry on a wiki.
  3. A little of both, as I understand it. I guess I am thankful I played this on PC, the load times were not anywhere near as bad as they sound on the 360.
  4. I dunno, they seem to add alot of "flavor" to their Haruhi subs. I don't think this has anything to do with accuracy, however. Plus, the quality could be better.
  5. I like this fellow, he speaks the truth.
  6. We don't know that. While very possible, its also possible that Konami wanted to keep the full title under wraps.
  7. No accounting for taste. Pales in comparison to the original japanese. An almost total miscast in the english dub.
  8. What is everyone's chosen fansub for the new episodes?
  9. The reports I've read had the PS motion controller tech beyond what even Nintendo was doing, but they should not have shown it at that stage of development, and the demonstration was clearly a rushed, last minute addition.
  10. I strongly disagree with that, but to each their own. Is it my favorite RPG? No, that honor belongs to Xenogears. I don't even feel its the best in the FF series. But I had a complete blast playing it, and at the time, it was spectacular looking. On top of that, it almost single-handedly made the PSX.
  11. Actually, no they haven't. The only message I ever saw come out of Bioware on this was something along the lines of, "We can't tell you why, but hold onto your saves." If they ever promised a carry over of level, abilities, and gear, they dropped that stance before the PC version was released.
  12. From IGN: And now for some news that might upset the hardcore Mass Effect fans. Your level from your first Mass Effect game will not carry over into the second game, something done in the interest of maintaining a degree of balance. The decisions you made in the first game will have a major impact on the story for Mass Effect 2. The team is still figuring out what to do with your skills, but those might get reset as well since the option exists to switch classes at the start of Mass Effect 2.
  13. Looks like our hero's name is Gabriel.
  14. Updated the trailer, no longer the hand-cam recorded version.
  15. What motivates a man to confront the challenges that most of us would run from? E3 Trailer Produced by Kojima Productions, developed by Mercury Stream Voice cast includes: Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Robert Carlyle, Natasha McElhone and Jason Isaacs
  16. MASK= Castlevania: Lords of Shadows. God of War like, character said to look like Simon. Patrick Stewart doing the voicework for the main character.
  17. Also, Peace Walker is a true sequel to MGS3, and Kojima is totally hands on with it, from the story on down.
  18. News from Konami's press conference (via G4): PS3 LOGO confirmed on the title screen. This is the "next series of Metal Gear" for the next-gen consoles. This is a stealth espionage action game, but the main character will be Raiden. Kojima is testing a new method of game development. More of the American way: using the same game engine for multiple titles. Rising will be created by the "up & coming youngblood" at Kojima Productions. PC also confirmed! PS3 / PC / Xbox 360
  19. Oh hey, how about this story from Joystiq.com: The Senior Vice President of Square Enix, Shinji Hashimoto, has started the super secret Square Enix press conference today by clarifying Final Fantasy XIV's exclusivity details. The game is currently pegged for the PS3 and PC, though "in terms of other hardware devices, including Microsoft's, we're considering all possibilities." Nice "exclusive", Sony.
  20. IX had me up until the 4th disc, where they (if I recall correctly) seemed to drop several storylines, and just rushed you to the ending. Its been years since I played it, but that was my impression as best I recall it. I felt let down, to a degree. Its funny, reading several of the reports about FFXIV, almost every single one talks about how excited they were for the reveal and the title until they saw the word "online" come across the screen. Its as if everyone went into "meh" mode at that point. Way to drop the ball!
  21. Nevermind, I found the info, seems it takes place in ME2.
  22. I dunno, I have always enjoyed their sports games, and the upcoming releases look like alot of fun. Also, I have yet to play a main entry in the Mario series that has failed to deliver a great gaming experience, and I expect MG2 to be no different. And Metroid, by Team Ninja? I mean, come on, awesomeness is. I'm not part of the "if it doesn't have guns, blood, and cursing in it, its not worth my time" crowd. Casual? Its fun. Isn't that why we all play video games? Anywho, back on topic, Last Guardian looks to be amazing, and maybe I should finally check out a God of War game.
  23. Wait, is this within the game (ME2), or in the original?
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