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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. So, the Rebels crew is essentially replacing Luke, Han, and Leia in the Heir story? Not that they have a choice there.
  2. It made what, $5 billion dollars combined? And then add in merchandise and the rest. Yeah, definitely not failed, whether you like the movies or not.
  3. I was actually amused by the cameos in this episode. That said, three in one episode felt like a little bit too much.
  4. Max and Milia. No contest. It's not an option though...
  5. Does anyone have to be reminded how much money the Sequels made? Or how hugely successful The Mandalorian has been? Or how great Andor is? Yeah, a lot of noise and nonsense from clowns like that guy on YouTube. Disney wanted to turn Star Wars into Marvel. I can't blame Kennedy for that. They were smart enough to pull black from that plan after Solo. If something hasn't gotten off the ground since then, it's probably because it wasn't good enough. And if that's the case, we're better off without them being made.
  6. The Horizon Forbidden West: The Burning Shores DLC is up for pre-order. $19.99.
  7. BOFURI has been cute, wholesome fun, but as the second season is coming to a close I may be getting a little bored with it. I've started watching Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, which ended its run this past fall. I'm a big Dragon Quest fan dating back to the first game, so I'm already invested in the aesthetic and general vibe. 100 episodes is a lot, though. I'm going to try to do three episodes a day all the way through.
  8. I just finished up a long-overdue rewatch of Haruhi, so sane is definitely not what I'm looking for right now, lol. I'm looking for more hijinks.
  9. Denzel Washington has joined the cast of Gladiator 2.
  10. Hikaru, what's your take on BOFURI overall? Had it recommended to me by a friend, but I'm not big on "takes place in a video game" anime.
  11. Jon Kasdan has released a statement saying the show is essentially on an indefinite hiatus. He doesn't use the term canceled.
  12. I would be totally on board for this.
  13. This I 100% agree with. Small audience for it though, unfortunately.
  14. They're canceling shows that don't do well. Television networks have been doing this for decades. Would Willow have been given a second shot if it was part of a franchise like Marvel or Star Wars? Maybe, but it's not.
  15. The show has been canceled.
  16. How could they have known? They had already finished filming when Everything... came out. People would be complaining if the movie turned out to be a cameo-fest.
  17. Edit: Removed my post because it's not current. I fail at reading. The only new anime I've watched in a decade was Chainsaw Man. I'm not as head over heels about it as others, but I liked it well enough.
  18. The final episode of the first season was the one bit of the story I actually had clear memory of from the game. And it impacted my enjoyment of it.
  19. I read the headline and knew immediately it wasn't worth reading. Maybe the writer's TV isn't properly calibrated. I had no issue watching it.
  20. I've been rethinking this. Does the story need a full second season to tell the story of game 1, or just a few more episodes? Maybe 10 or 11 episodes instead of 9 would feel better. But damn, still a great show as it Is.
  21. Did this come out of nowhere, or is it just me? Color me skeptical.
  22. The show has been great, but with the end of the first game/story upon us, I'm really feeling that they should have done two seasons to tell it all.
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