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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Bullshit answer. VF-1 /= F-14. They can't use the VF-1 because they don't have the rights to it.
  2. I am ashamed to say that I have since lost those avatars.
  3. I take that back, the voice over for Wheeled Warriors isn't the one on the show, and isn't anywhere nearly as cool.
  4. I vote to sticky this thread. This may be the single coolest link anyone has ever posted on these forums.
  5. I am truly disappointed I didn't have something more epically ridiculous to post on the subject.
  6. I disagree, but we shall see. We've been neither shown nor told anything that gives any hint on the ratio of pve:pvp content in the game.
  7. I cannot believe you guys are still arguing over this. Its 2009. We can EASILY order any and all Macross merchandise online, and we get high definition subtitle releases of Macross productions not long after they are released. I mean, really, who cares about HG and Robotech at this point? It doesn't matter anymore, it really doesn't.
  8. During *one* quest aboard a Sith Empire Star Destroyer. Its the same quest the media got to demo back at E3.
  9. Really? Do tell.
  10. I tried playing The Second Story way back when it came out on the PSX (actually got it the day it came out), but I just couldn't get into it. I have some friends who really dig the series, though. Just not my cup of tea.
  11. No, and someone else said this elsewhere, and the name of the voice actor in question was given. Don't recall the name.
  12. Video Documentary 3 "Personally, I'm just here to kill people and cause damage" Actual in-game footage! Actual in-game combat footage! Your toon has its own voice actor, and not in the "My, you're a tall one!" sort of way! So sweet I crapped my pants... twice!
  13. Epic Fight Club Avatar. 'nuff said!
  14. Well, of course. She was artificially brought to her "abilities", Ranka was born with them.
  15. "Almost" is being kind. And if Yuki is using afk subs, even better.
  16. No, the picture quality is poor. This is besides it not being in HD.
  17. Yuki is up to date. a.f.k's video quality is poor.
  18. Haruhi S2 and Eden of the East (Frostii subs stuck at episode 9). New Fullmetal is collecting dust, as is Xam'd. I'll get to them eventually. I'm eying up LotGH, but its alot to get into.
  19. That's the premise I am doing by.
  20. In a way, it is. A direct prequel or not, I think its pretty clear. All very "It has all happened before, and will happen again."
  21. Am I the only one who got this? Did you all forget the planet in the original show was Earth, thousands of years into the future after humanity had abandoned due to the "invasion", only to come back and repopulate it, not knowing it was actually Earth? The story takes place on our Earth, as we know it, the Earth of the original series' past.
  22. The problem I have with it is the same problem I had with the TV show: its too convoluted for its own good, and they never bother to explain just what really is going on. The strength of the series was that relationship, and the movie just doesn't have it. One could argue that the second half of the TV series is just as flat. Besides, how can one forget the TV series when the movie isn't a re-imaging, its a prequel?
  23. The subs don't make it any better, don't bother chasing another download.
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