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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You guys need to stop applying your WoW experiences to TOR.
  2. She wasn't smiling at you, G, she was just passing wind.
  3. The reliability is worth the extra 5 or 10 bucks it *may* cost.
  4. Popular on youtube? Definitely a douche.
  5. I dumped my order with them, went with HLJ.
  6. I'd like to see a series or OVA going back a bit, having a more serious tone, dealing with a Megaroad class ship and featuring VF-4's.
  7. It's the only way to be sure. Not being able to access the site (for random amounts of time) has become an almost daily occurrence for me.
  8. I put my order in with them, and I am sitting on their payment request. They list SAL as a shipping option when you put the order in, even though they clearly states "We are now shipping small packet SAL (economy) for orders less than 2KG and lower than 15000 YEN ONLY", and this is obviously more than 15000 YEN. When they ask for payment, they don't add in shipping cost (since it won't ship for another month or so). I'd hate to pay for this and then end up getting hosed when its time to ship.
  9. Model? No thanks, 1/60 it is!
  10. Excuse me for going ever so slightly off topic, but the search function isn't helping me on this one. Is Bandai going to be releasing 1/48 scale VF-25's? I thought there was some news on it, but can't find much info. I am not a big toy buyer, but I MUST get an Ozma VF-25 with armor pack. Just want to make sure I get the biggest and baddest available.
  11. This just in: Tommy Yune says neither HG or BW hold the copyright on Macross; he does.
  12. How long before Tommy Yune comes out and claims that Carl really had little to do with Robotech and never officially worked for Harmony Gold?
  13. So, Carl just basically admitted what HG has been unwilling to for a few years now: They don't own the rights to DYRL?
  14. Tommy Yune is full of shite. He is outright lying, here.
  15. TRON Legacy stuff looks sweet.
  16. This looks like one of those video game/anime live action movies.
  17. Lame. Who watches this crap? And does anyone care about anything the Wachowskis are involved in anymore?
  18. Sheryl's flight into the Frontier fleet is a great example as well. You can see details in the ships that are totally dark and lost in the broadcast version.
  19. The dub is bad. Very bad. Change the channel bad.
  20. Except they don't. There is detail you can see in the THORA releases that you just can't see in the TV HD rips.
  21. May be, but he's still full of it. They all know they don't have the rights, and anyone with half a brain can comprehend the legal proceedings that went on in Japan. They need to just admit it and move on, instead of trying to spin it everytime it comes up.
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