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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Avatar What... too soon?
  2. Apparently he doesn't.
  3. Good luck with that. No Star Wars game has ever had dismemberment (not counting the console codes used for JKII and Academy).
  4. Reading some of the well thought out reviews of Avatar is really starting to change my opinion on this movie. I think there is a bit of the Phantom Menace effect going on here with me. I came out of the theater thinking, "ya, some stuff bugged me, but that was pretty cool." Then when you start looking back on it, the pretty picture you painted of the movie for yourself starts to deteriorate. I've knocked my review down to 3/5 Stars (down from 3 1/2). Pray I do not alter it further.
  5. I don't think you can honestly review this movie if your only experience with it is some cam recorded bootleg. I'd suggest spending less money on drugs and more on movie tickets if you want people to listen to your opinion.
  6. Haven't read any reviews yet or any of this thread, but I just came back from seeing it and I wanted to post my thoughts. The movie is basically Dances With Wolves on the Solaris planet. Its good, but not great. Its very predictable, but I am not sure that really detracts from the experience. It took a bit for me to get used to the 3D, but I would wager seeing it presented normally would not do the film justice. I am not sure the special effects would work as well if not for the 3D. Speaking of the special effects, I was impressed by the magnitude of the effects but not the quality. CGI characters and locations look no better than they did a decade ago when Phantom Menace came out. They can just do more of them. I am sure this will get the kind of undeserved Oscar attention The Lord of the Rings trilogy did (hopefully the Academy won't make the same stupid mistake twice). So anyway, its a good movie, but not great. I expected more from a movie that spent so much time in development. edit: 3 out of 5 Stars.
  7. Best Yankees Championship Team of the Decade: 2009 Worst Yankees Championship Team of the Decade: 2000
  8. Traded in DA:O for DA:O for the PC.
  9. Finished Arkham, moved on to Dragon Age (which I should have gotten on the PC). Batman was pretty good, but not as great as I have heard.
  10. When is this thing coming out?
  11. So, I got Batman Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age Origins, and The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition. For some reason I cannot stop myself from (double dipping) playing a game I beat the hell out of already just because you get to kill stuff with lightsabers. So Batman and Dragon Age continue to sit unplayed on my shelf...
  12. I actually have yet to watch an episode since Endless Eight ended (which seems kinda... odd to me). I really need to catch up in December.
  13. This guy knows WTF he is talking about. I endorse this message.
  14. Missed it, forgot about it, whatever. BSG was the only reason why I watched Sci-Fi, or whatever the channel is called now. If they did promos for it, I would have missed them.
  15. I am too lazy to find it, but Kojima has now "promised" a ZOE sequel.
  16. Is there any new news?
  17. In a recent interview, Hideo Kojima states that ZOE3 is on the top of the list of games he is looking to develop.
  18. ^^^^ this QFT
  19. Hoth is exclusive to the re-release.
  20. MGS4 is all you play! LOL
  21. Duke Togo


    I find it very hard to believe that "Roy" would ever turn yellow...
  22. Duke Togo


    Who let the chick into the man room?
  23. IB has become my favorite Tarintino film. I really enjoyed the hell out of it. Nice to see the man produce something that wasn't overrun with overly witty and vulgar dialog, with a constant need for violence. I really, really liked this film.
  24. I don't have ME installed, and I'd rather not have to relearn how to play the old game to get what sounds like a substandard DLC release.
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