My ME1 Paragon Shep was level 60 (only two playthroughs for it) and loaded out, and I got a 10,000 of each resource bonus on top of the other stuff.
The combat system is definitely superior to ME1. I love how cover works and I love the head shots. I am indifferent about the ammo clips; I like the mechanics but it seems like a step backwards tech wise from ME1. Right now I am reserving judgment on the inventory system. Too much game left to play and too many upgrades yet to come. However, I do love having the N7 armor for the entire game (granted, I'm in Collector's armor right now, but whatever). It reminds me ever so slightly of Vagrant Story's gear system (forging your gear), and that's not a bad thing in my eyes. The hacking mini-games are actually fun, but not too involved (which is good). Resource gathering/planet exploration is also vastly improved, and it still has enough "Starflight" flavor to keep me happy. Voice acting is top notch, and the dialog/role playing options are quality.
Its a shame they took out teammate armor, I don't see any reason why it couldn't have been handled like the weapon system was. A heads up, though, they get new armor if you complete their loyalty missions.