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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. The "negative" reviews out of Cannes seem mostly to be that the movie is predictable. It's a "legacy sequel" that recycles what has come before. I haven't read any reviews that it's poorly shot, poorly acted, or even poorly written. I expect it to settle around 65-70% on RT. Which is fine for me, but YMMV. My stepmother is a huge Indiana Jones fan, so I'll likely see it with her. But, it isn't some ultra-important genre film for me. I'd be more concerned if Dune Part 2 was getting some shade.
  2. Word out if Cannes is that it's a fine, well-made movie, but that it plays it too safe and ends up feeling like a recycling of Indiana Jones's greatest hits. Which, I'm fine with. Better than another Crystal Skull.
  3. This was a solid, entertaining movie. Nothing bad to say about it.
  4. I have it for PS5, it's busted. I'm expecting it to be a month or so before it's playable. Playable equal to its price tag, not playable as in "does the game load and can you do stuff?"
  5. Is this a good time for me to say I'm not a fan of Filoni's work and I'm hoping the seeming reboot we get at the end of this episode means less of his nonsense in this show?
  6. I'm actually relieved with how they handled the season ender. And it gives me hope for the future of the show.
  7. Anything Filoni is involved in is going to skew more towards a young audience. Notice he isn't even a producer on Andor and how much more adult it is.
  8. Fair point. But I would argue that the one thing Disney Star Wars hasn't suffered from is poor directors. When there's a failure or misfire, it's generally a story/script issue. I'm not overly concerned.
  9. How much of Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy'a work have you seen?
  10. Highly unlikely, given Lucas's track record. And whatever you think of the stories, the sequels were well casted, acted, and shot, and made very effective use of practical, in-camera effects. We would have gotten none of that with Lucas. They would have been a green-screen, CGI-fest mess.
  11. I'm sorry, no. That's some serious revisionist history that doesn't match up with reality. The man was chalk full of bad ideas and poor instincts.
  12. I'm not sure where you'd get such an idea, outside of the depths of toxic Star Wars fandom.
  13. You know the answer to this, Roy: everything released over the past 25 years has been a retcon of the original trilogy. They've long since thrown continuity out the window. Filoni is a bigger offender in this than even Lucas was. Edit: small correction, Andor doesn't contradict the original trilogy.
  14. Oh, The Clone Wars was definitely written for children. There's no shame in admitting this and still liking it.
  15. So, is the female dark-ish force user we see in the trailer supposed to be the replacement for Mara Jade in the Heir story? Or, uh, actually Mara Jade?
  16. This is the main problem with what they've been doing. Most of us haven't seen them, or at least all of them. I find myself having to dig through Wookiepedia to find out what's going on.
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