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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I know that. What I mean is, well, does it get more interesting? Alot more interesting? Because right now it's just a button masher with a story I don't give a damn about.
  2. So I finally got around to playing the God of War Collection before going to pick up GoW3. Went through the first area and I guess I am at Athens. Is this it? I understand you unlock more abilities and fight different baddies and whatnot, but is this generally it? I am not seeing what made people who first picked up this game say, WOW, this is SWEET.
  3. I use Garrus alot. For 2 bucks they have me sold on it.
  4. Mass Effect 2 'Alternate Appearance Pack' DLC adds new costumes
  5. Because I'm still playing MW2...
  6. End game scenes and audio already exist for her in game.
  7. I wouldn't count on it.
  8. Open world is what, chapter 11?
  9. The first "for pay" DLC for Mass Effect 2, "Kasumi's Stolen Memory", it slated for release April 6th. Price has yet to be set.
  10. Ah, but we're getting another team member. This heavy seems to be an anti-husk weapon.
  11. I did what you did, but I made it with around 20 health left, lol.
  12. Well, I watched for 10 minutes, then it let me play for like another 5 or 10, then I saved and quit.
  13. Played the first bit of Final Fantasy XIII up to the first save point. . .leaves me feeling rather indifferent; I'll probably be back to playing MW2 again tonight.
  14. ^^^ this Avatar deserved all the technical awards it could get its hands on. I am not sure how the cinematographer won, as a majority of the movie was "shot" inside the confines of a computer. It never was in any serious contention for best picture; the script was bad and the acting mediocre. I think The Hurt Locker is a very good film, but for my money, Inglorious Basterds was best picture, with Up in the Air second (I'd say THL was third).
  15. I just drop 274 beans on the Astro a40 "audio system" gaming headset + optical cable. I hope it lives up to the hype, lol.
  16. I've played and completed I-X and XII, and based upon all I have read, I expect XIII to be my last Final Fantasy game. I don't have much interest in a sci-fi adventure game, and that's the direction they want to go. Just for the record, I is my favorite (the original NES release), VII is probably my second favorite, and I think that III (original NES) is the underrated gem of the franchise. edit: Oh, I forgot Tactics! Great game, maybe that's my second favorite.
  17. VII was an experience, and it made the PSX. To deny how good and important (within the gaming industry) it was is just silly (and people look silly doing it). Does that mean it makes my top 5 games all time? No, probably not. I'm sure I'll enjoy XIII, one way or another, but the series is just not what it used to be.
  18. All reasons why the Mass Effect series is better than any Final Fantasy game made in the past 15 years.
  19. Um, what? Huh?
  20. What, that's it's increasingly linear? That the development staff is on the record as saying they no longer feel the Final Fantasy games are RPGs? That it's gone totally sci-fi?
  21. Taurons are clearly WOPs, with perhaps some Aztec/Mayan influence (the tattooing, for instance).
  22. Trophies will re-sync, and anything you downloaded from PSN that became "corrupted" should be re-downloadable.
  23. Obvious statement is obvious: this show really is quite good.
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