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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. They only made one movie, BTG.
  2. Oh wow, yes, definitely. One of the best "comic book" movies ever made.
  3. Pretty much. It's hard to dispute that, even if you like it. Matrix, as well. Underrated? Gattaca and Dark City.
  4. No, like he's only had 180 lines in total.
  5. The maturity and coherence that the Gunbuster episode had was totally gone from the word go. And it didn't help that you guys didn't actually get around to reviewing 1.11 until the last 1/4 of the show. I'm not much of an Eva fan, so I don't really care what you guys think of the show, either way. Just talking about presentation and content here.
  6. Underwhelming. The mini-story they are trying to tell is vague at best. No additional dialog outside of the Hammerhead talking to you briefly, and a few data pads. If played during the normal course of the game you might not notice this as much, but on it's own, it's not particularly well done. But hey, it's free, right? edit: Forgot to say that this DLC really feels like a test bed for vehicle exploration in ME3.
  7. Total stealth release of Firewalker. Haven't played it yet, though.
  8. Well, I am not sure why I would personally be raging over this, but I do wonder if HG is even within their rights to do that.
  9. You guys did so well with the Gunbuster podcast, what happened here? It's back to sounding like a couple of 13 year olds reviewing anime.
  10. All of the reviews covered its problems and flaws. No one should have been surprised if they bought it.
  11. AICN is reporting that this is the real deal, but that this trailer is a "proof of concept" (like the TR2N trailer was) rather than a teaser for the actual movie.
  12. I've heard nothing good about this game.
  13. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, does it make a sound? This thread may be the only place this nonsense is getting any attention, anywhere (outside of the few on RT.com).
  14. I haven't listened to one of these shows in a while. I was pretty impressed, it was alot better than alot of the older shows I used to listen to (no offense).
  15. Been following this thread (still not playing, yet), and I get the feeling that I should totally read up on weapons and upgrades before playing.
  16. Considering what Activision is charging for a few extra maps for MW2 multiplayer, this is a steal.
  17. Second stage/chapter/whatever.
  18. What I want to know is if I should stick with it (because it WILL get MUCH better!), or should I just accept that the game is not for me?
  19. It is a mess. Every Macross production brings a new retcon that makes a mess out of what we thought we knew before. It is what it is.
  20. The first two are what I am talking about.
  21. Yeah, I don't get it, either.
  22. I guess you missed all of the "game of the year" awards both games won, along with both being widely considered two of the very best games of the entire PS2 era.
  23. It's not that I dislike them... just from everything I've heard about this game, I guess I expected to be blown away from the word go. Will I become more engrossed in the story and the game mechanics as it goes along? Or is this a case of, "what you see is what you get"?
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