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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. If they had the rights they would have released it already.
  2. I stopped listening after the "how do you write the squishy noise made during sex" conversation.
  3. Which has pretty much kept me from showing it to anyone else over the years.
  4. I hope this one is on the larger side. I wouldn't mind paying more for something with a bit more meat on it.
  5. This will probably get me yelled at, but some of the poison I've see spewed in this thread over the past several months really makes me question the purpose of this thread. And then this BS when a man has just died? All because of a cartoon? Some of you need to grow the hell up or go someplace else.
  6. BTW, your FLCL podcast was a definite improvement over your Eva one.
  7. Obviously, I did not agree with the man's methods or opinions, but he helped bring anime to a generation of fans. Happy trails, Carl.
  8. Where I lived it was on in the afternoon when I got home from school, as well. I'm alot different than most of us whose first exposure to Macross was through Robotech. I came out of the series loving MOSPEADA and not really caring about the rest. It wasn't until I saw DYRL around '90 or '91 that I became a Macross fan.
  9. It's not that they weren't appealing; they simply were not seen by kids. And I can guarantee you that not one person I know (outside of these forums) has ever even heard of Starblazers, let alone seen it. You might not *think* the lack of toy support was an issue, but the reality was it was a huge issue. Robotech lacked toy (and thus commercial) support, and in many markets ended up with poor time slots (if shown at all). Again, this has been covered countless times over the past 20 years. Whatever you think of Robotech, Macross, Southern Cross, or MOSPEADA, the fact is that they were not very popular in the U.S. It is my opinion that this is because they were not widely seen, not because any of those series sucked. Robotech is not the Transformers. It's not GI Joe. It's not the Thundercats. Hell, it's not even as popular as the Smurfs. It has a niche market, nothing more, nothing less. To expect more out of it is unrealistic.
  10. It was the lack of toys. That was the biggest factor, and it's been covered to death over the past few decades as to why it was not more successful. It was virtually unheard of for a cartoon to launch in the 80's without toy support. There is a reason for that.
  11. A majority of people (including myself) are not going to read a comic book to understand a movie. If that was their intent going in then they made a really bad choice. And why would I want to watch Wanted? LOL
  12. If that is the case, this movie is doomed to fail.
  13. First, when did I compare Robotech to either of those shows? And secondly, what fan projects? I knew four kids in high school (I'm in my mid-30's) who knew what Robotech was, and not a single one in my adult life (outside of those I've met on this forum). Without a true, dedicated toy line, the show was never going to be truly that popular (it didn't help that it had a really shitty time slot in many markets). Robotech was certainly never as popular as Thundercats, which itself was nowhere near the levels seen by GI Joe and the Transformers.
  14. Not so kick ass. I give it 3 out of 5 stars. It's an uninspired teen movie built around 3 really great Hit Girl sequences. They are worth the price of admission. Nicholas Cage's Adam West-esq line delivery was also a highlight. Unfortunately, an awesome Hit Girl movie was lost in their need to make a teen male fantasy movie about getting into the pants of the hot girl in school. Someone should pay Tarantino to write and direct a film based solely on Hit Girl. It would make a ton of money. You take Hit Girl out of this movie, and it's crap. edit: I wanted to add that the marketing of this movie is a total sham. With the exception of the red band Hit Girl trailer, it is nothing like how it is portrayed in the other trailers.
  15. Robotech was never as popular or widely seen as The Transformers or GI Joe. To think that some sort of 80's cartoon nostalgia would draw large crowds is rather silly.
  16. RT doesn't have anywhere near the fandom or money behind it Trek had. (for the record, not a Trek fan)
  17. Kasumi's mission was well done and fun. It's also a cake walk at level 30.
  18. Netflix finally sent me Moon. Wonderful film, totally underrated.
  19. I haven't played it yet, but the overwhelming sentiment on the official forums is that the Kasumi DLC mission (missions?) is among the very best in the game, and worth the price.
  20. The Kasumi download is almost 1GB.
  21. Today is Kasumi DLC day.
  22. Actually, I think the original is generally overrated as well. Same goes for Highlander (which had a vastly superior TV series based on it).
  23. Yeah, I mean, Blade Runner and Children of Men? Two of the most critically acclaimed sci-fi movies ever made? Totally underrated, lol.
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