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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I can't believe you (and some of the gaming sites) think the Blackbird stuff is something more than just a cutscene. Hell, I'd wager a majority of that video was cutscene footage.
  2. Will not be buying. Considering what has happened with Activision and Infinity Ward, I won't support any more of these games.
  3. I own one Valkyrie, I can't say I really get involved in any toy discussions. And the snore wasn't for you; the other guy's reasoning is totally flawed. Discussion is going nowhere (but I guess it's better than the usual people bashing that goes on here).
  4. Hong Kong hookers and murdered bums don't count. Vader was one cold SOB.
  5. The guy almost chokes his pregnant wife to death! (actually, he should have; epic fail, Lucas, epic fail. WTF dies of a broken heart?)
  6. No way, dude, he killed more people than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao put together. He chocked a dude to death, WITH HIS MIND, just cause he had some questionable tactical judgment.
  7. It's very good, I gave it 4 out of 5 starts on Netflix. I was skeptical going on, but it really is quite enjoyable. Commentary track with worth a listen. Vader is still the best bad guy of all time.
  8. I am waiting for a cut to come out on the internet that is JUST of her sequences (kinda like what they did with the Maul fight from the end of TPM). The rest of the movie is bad.
  9. Speaking of, Kick-Ass isn't doing all that well.
  10. Picture quality on the MLB games has improved since the first 2 days.
  11. It seemed very CoD (especially with the tact knife), but maybe that's just because of where my experience lies.
  12. Yeah, there is a clear difference between old school WoW designs and the BC-LK era work.
  13. Um, wow. Just wow. Talk about tasteless.
  14. I've played ES4, and it looks pretty dated. Actually I thought it looked pretty bad when it came out. Now compare that to the original Fable. Fable still looks really good.
  15. Good, solid podcast. I really enjoyed it. As I stated already, I could have really have done without that first two minutes.
  16. The more unrealistic designs are, the better they age. Realism simply doesn't age well.
  17. Not possible in this situation, unfortunately. However, I have no problem using the laptop to watch the games. It's actually part of the reason why I got it, LOL.
  18. Um, wow. http://kotaku.com/5522894/finding-balance-...he-old-republic
  19. Laptop and PS3 both using wifi.
  20. I checked out the MLB.tv app for the PS3 last night. The video quality is not as good as when streamed over the computer and played on my TV, and is often blocky and breaks up during moments of fast movement. I use HDMI for both connections on the same TV.
  21. MW on PSN bandit29: bandit29 brouken: shinbrouken CheeseKing: CheeseKing Chowser: sarge051 DARKWIND: BLAKWULF01 David Hingtgen: Alpha_Weltall dizman: dizman89 DrunkenMaster2: macross08 Duke Togo: Glavil eugimon: eugimon Gaijin: trav54 kanedaestes: kanedaestes Keith: KeithL78 Lott Sheen: Million__Star mikeszekely: mikeszekely MjrMisaHayase: SailorCallie Roy Focker: Kamjin shiroikaze: Shiroi_Kaze the_foul_fowl: the_foul_fowl the white drew carey: dewhitedrewcarey Uxi: Uxi Valkyrie Nut: Bappers Vince: bbe23 Vostok 7: Vostok7 Wanzerfan: AnubisAsh
  22. On your recommendation I'll try to give it a full listen, and just skip past the beginning.
  23. It's not the first 5 seconds, it's the first few minutes. I assumed from that wonderful opening that the rest of the podcast would follow suit. First impressions and whatnot (and past experience with these podcasts). I am 33, not 13. Fart and dick jokes don't make me laugh anymore. The Gunbuster podcast was quite good, and the FLCL was pretty decent. CDX can and has done some really fun, really solid podcasts. And as an adult listener, the juvenile humor that pops up on some of them is a bit of a turn off for me. I'm not ripping them personally, I don't have any sort of agenda. Just want to give them a heads up and my two cents. Good or bad, I try to leave feedback when I listen. I don't imagine they'd post forum threads otherwise.
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