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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I tried to explain this to him two years ago, Keith, he just doesn't listen.
  2. So, I've been playing The Force Unleashed II. Yes, I love Star Wars, and yes, I love killing things with lightsabers and Force powers. Doesn't mean I can't be unbiased. It's nowhere near as bad as reviews are making it out to be. Is it shorter? Yes, I think so, but I can't say by how much. I am expecting them to tack on alot of DLC because they know Star Wars fans will pay. Sucks, but it is what it is. Is the gameplay better? Yes. Are the graphics better? Yes. Loading, menus, switching gear, all vastly improved. Where is it weak? The story is almost non-existent for half of the game, and it's not as strong as the first game's story. Two of the zones are overly long, and really needed to have that content take place elsewhere. All of that said, I have a blast playing it. I didn't play through both releases of JKII dozens of times because I was desperately in love with their stories; it's that I get to play as a Jedi, and all that it entails. Same with TFUI&II. My feelings on the ending (both of them):
  3. Color be disappointed.
  4. Mass Effect 2 out on PS3 January 2011
  5. Basically, for your crew and the ship's crew to survive, you want to have all of the loyalty missions done before getting Legion, do his mission, and then move directly to the end game. If you don't, you'll start losing the Normandy's crew after a mission or two.
  6. QFT. I'm a big fan of David Fincher and Jean-Pierre Jeunet, but the 3rd and 4th movies were flat out not good. At all.
  7. Pretty sure he's on the record saying he passed this game off to another team.
  8. Gaming press previews are saying that the actual in-game graphics on the alpha builds they were shown were higher quality and higher resolution than what we have been shown in screen shots.
  9. It would have been a horrible movie, I am not sure I'd call this one a "bummer."
  10. The movie was alot of fun. There were a few times I started to question some of the choices they made, then thought back to the original series and they didn't seem so out of place. If it has one real fault, it's the climax of the movie on the boat. That was way too over the top.
  11. Good ending he dies, dark ending he gets turned into a man-machine. I don't expect any "abilities" I saw in the trailer to be in-game until they actually say they are.
  12. Wait, where did you find this info?
  13. Betrayal Cinematic Trailer This trailer answers why is the Apprentice alive. Besides that, it's pretty bad ass. Still no in-game footage, though. If I had a complaint, it looks like they are going back to the same "it's a trap!" story as the first one.
  14. Eva 2.22 is far more emotionally satisfying and epic than the entire original series, but it doesn't make a lick of sense.
  15. Fair warning, Arkham Asylum has ZERO replayability.
  16. HD rips are in the wild, fully translated.
  17. Wow, could that be any more blatant?
  18. Red Dead Redemption is getting some crazy good reviews. I just pre-ordered it on Amazon.com. I still have yet to play FF13.
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