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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Some times there is no option. It's an impossible choice, but it had to be done. I found it more realistic than some neat, clear, little paragon option.
  2. Arrival has arrived. Too bad I won't get to play it until tonight.
  3. Arrival Trailer
  4. If I recall correctly, neither Overlord or Shadow Broker had any new squad dialog. Your cohorts were essentially mute for both DLCs.
  5. No, the character is named Dr Amanda Kenson. I wouldn't call this a spoiler, as Bioware hasn't hidden this and she isn't a previously existing character.
  6. Strider 2?
  7. Shocking, the movie is shite. Never saw that coming. A whopping 21% on Rotten Tomatoes. If you don't go to see it, they'll stop making crap like this.
  8. So, what's going on here? Anything new? Same old? I think I've said this before (long, long time ago), but between the internet, p2p, and international shipping, HG's "rights" mean jack squat to Macross fans.
  9. Mass Effect 2 "Arrival" DLC preview: Shepard without a flock Top secret mission for your one-man army.
  10. The Alliance officer pictured is
  11. I think what put me off in the first episode is that we had multiple "confrontations" that involved what seemed like 5-10 minutes of mocking and banter than ended with rather unspectacular 10 second fights. Eli Wallach has a great line in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly": "When you have to shoot, shoot; don't talk." I'm totally game for well written dialog and work that is heavier on conversation that action, but damn if episode 1 didn't seem like overkill in the talking department. I haven't given up on the series, though, and plan to watch atleast a few more episodes.
  12. Does Katanagatari get better after episode 1? It may be the most wordy anime I've ever seen; I felt like I was reading a book.
  13. There are around 70 variables carried over from ME1 to ME2, though almost half of them have a matching opposite choice (for example one variable for killed NPC XYZ, one variable for having let them live). A large amount of these choices do little more than add flavor to the story and the universe. Some, which seemed to have little impact on ME2 (letting the Rachni live) may have a major payoff in ME3. ME3 is going to pick up some 1,000 variables from the first two games (ME2 only imports those 70 from ME1, so 900+ are coming from ME2). I think the major choices are going to see some payoff, while many will again do little more than add flavor or variance (though, really, they go a long way toward adding depth and characterization).
  14. Is there a preferred release of Katanagatari?
  15. I'm looking for some recommendations. I only have time to watch one anime from the past year or two right now, and I need some suggestions.
  16. Which is all bullshit, of course. All of Gaff's figurines say something. The unicorn, originally, signified uniqueness; being rare and special. For me, the dream is just a dream. I ignore it.
  17. DO NOT WANT Have you seen the Final Cut? It's flawless, and probably the best Bluray disc on the market.
  18. Shadow Broker was fantastic as well. I wish I had gotten around to playing these months ago. And we still have one more DLC coming!
  19. Finally got around to playing again. LOVED the Overlord DLC, going to work on Shadowbroker tonight.
  20. Back to ME2 after almost a year. Finally picked up Overlord and Shadow Broker, and three other armor/weapon DLC packs I didn't have (I have every single DLC besides the digital download pre-order sniper rifle). Will get to playing it in a few days, start prepping for ME3!
  21. Neither? It's not the best (or worst) CoD game, and it's certainly not the most hyped game ever.
  22. Besides the achievement? No, not at all.
  23. Yeah, I was really let down by where the series went. It had so much promise.
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