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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Special Forces/CIA team took him out.
  2. I do believe she's from Orguss.
  3. Better safe than sorry; I just canceled my card and had a new one issued to me. aka: I don't believe in coincidences.
  4. Do you know where this attempt was made?
  5. I assume there would be a pattern among users possibly effected. There are alot of rumors out there right now. One of them has database of 2.2 million PSN users' info and CC information up for sale, including the all important CVV2 numbers. Sony never had the CVV2 info. Just alot of "sky is falling" BS out there right now.
  6. Bloomberg.com Spokesmen for Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC), American Express Co. (AXP) and MasterCard Inc. (MA) said they were monitoring cardholder accounts and hadn’t seen unauthorized activity relating to Sony.
  7. Wow, that's brilliant. Here, you win the prize; I bet your mom is proud.
  8. Well, some good news: "the entire credit card table was encrypted" and there is "no evidence that credit card data was taken" Outside of worrying about my spam-free e-commerce e-mail address getting spammed, this isn't too big of a deal for me. My address has changed during the outage, and my PSN password won't do anyone any good (outside of PSN).
  9. I don't quite understand why none of this information was encrypted on their servers. It's nonsensical.
  10. There seems to be some question about whether the information was just exposed or flat out stolen. We also don't know exactly how many people were effected by this, or if any credit card or banking information was stolen.
  11. Game Informer's Mass Effect 3 page has a ton of goodies on it, the best being 7 video interviews (that all together clock in at just under an hour). They cover everything from the origin of the game, to voice work and sound design, to character design, and how much attention that pay to feedback from the first two games. You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you are a ME fan and don't check it out. Game Informer: Mass Effect 3
  12. That's not quite accurate.
  13. Technically speaking, he was back as the Terminator in the last movie. I don't image any role he'd have in it would be much more than a CGI enhanced appearance.
  14. The music rights issue with Macross 7 is cost prohibitive. This is one subject that has been covered here ad nauseam over the past decade. DYRL, as we all know, is in legal limbo; no one really knows who owns what. Plus and II are essentially being kept down by the company that holds the rights to it. It's a small crime that a high quality release of Plus has yet to happen. Frontier, I would think, should not be much of an issue. As far as games and publications go, I think Seto is expecting a wee bit too much. Only one game was ever planned to be released here, and there isn't a chance in hell--even if HG wasn't in the way--that any of those games would be localized and released here now. And I do not believe there is a big enough market outside of Japan to justify the kind of release of books and magazines that he is looking for.
  15. Most of that would not happen, with or without HG in the way.
  16. This is unlikely even if HG wasn't in the way.
  17. PC Gamer: Mass Effect 3 first screens released
  18. Who is actually having issues acquiring whatever Macross products they want?
  19. It's reporting a "HTML/Agent.yupe" in "http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/public/style_images/mwf-v3/topicpreview.png" May be a false positive, but I just wanted to pass this along.
  20. I thought my statement was pretty clear; I am talking about the stylistic design choices made in the new series. We've gone from fairly adult looking designs from the original series to that now-popular "Americanized" anime look. I'm not really digging it.
  21. Avatar: The Last Thundercat? I'll watch, but I am not sure I dig the style of the new designs.
  22. One thing to keep in mind: this is a totally optional DLC. That means whatever impact it has on ME3 will not be integral to the plot. It probably means little more than additional dialog/mail/news reports.
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