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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. While being laid up in bed with a case of tonsillitis that refuses to go away, I took the plunge last night and watched Shadow Chronicles on Netflix. There isn't anything I could add that you guys haven't already covered 1,000 times over in the past few years, so I'll just say "lawl."
  2. I've never tried to sell a sack of dog shite (nor has anyone I know), but I am fairly certain if I did it wouldn't sell. In all seriousness, I'd wager if a small run of quality toys were to be put out, serious mecha collectors would gobble them up.
  3. When/where did they do this?
  4. These fellows are, essnentially, trolls--and this thread is feeing them. Just sayin'.
  5. I've probably said this before, but I just don't get it. I honestly wonder who would pay attention to these guys if the talk about them stopped here? They produce fanfiction level of work on a limited budget. Their audience is small. I'm not sure what the point of the discussion is.
  6. High quality graphics != good game play. Besides, I'm not sure it's actually possible to have a fluid game with that level of graphic detail in it. Not only that, but the budget for an animated series with that level of work would be cost prohibitive. Thanks for sharing your two cents, though.
  7. That presentation was so laughably bad I don't even know what to say. Just, wow. It's like watching three video store clerks tell you about their awesome fanfiction projects.
  8. Live action New Generation; dig it.
  9. Yeah, unfortunately they've already gone on the record that there will be no open beta because the player demand would be too large for the beta server.
  10. And not a single one of you going on and on about this has any evidence there will be any in SWTOR. Go discuss it here: All Things Video Games Thread: II
  11. It reminded me all of the films I saw growing up as a kid, but Super 8 is never quite able to join that pantheon. The "monster" plot is weak, and doesn't seem necessary at all to the story. But it kept me smiling for two hours because of the memories of those other films, as well as because those kids did a great job in their roles (which were strong). I'm glad I saw it and thoroughly enjoyed it.
  12. This is one of those threads that I can't read and can't post in, because I know someone--at some point--will inadvertently post a spoiler without the tags and it'll ruin something for me. That said, I felt the need to say that for my money this is the best show on TV right now.
  13. The end of Nintendo's keynote was a real winner; I was thoroughly impressed. Unless this new controller is a bust, I have a hard time seeing anyone taking over the top spot from them in the next generation of consoles. That said, I probably won't buy it.
  14. I dig EVE, but I am not sure I'm sold on DUST 514. I didn't see anything that convinces me I should buy it over BF3 (or MW3, for that matter).
  15. Is it just me, or did the Reapers get smaller?
  16. MS's keynote presentation was horrid. I can't believe I watched all of it.
  17. As of today, confirmed regular squad members:
  18. It would not shock me if this turned out to be the actual ending of the Rebuild movies.
  19. I'd vote for the VF-1 against GL, but the the 19.
  20. Against Gurren Lagann? No way.
  21. 'Cause that tech's done alot to stop us before... oh, wait.
  22. Yup. Nice, right?
  23. New trailer looks like one of those Syfy Originals movies. You could have a younger Arnold in all of his glory in the role, the movie still looks like shite.
  24. More time to play SWTOR!
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