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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You do realize you could probably count the amount of people who get the reference on here on one hand, right?
  2. I'd argue that Blade Runner looks better than 99% of the CGI effect laden movies we see today (hell, maybe 100%). But I agree with you about your feelings being dependent on what Prometheus is like. I'm cautiously optimistic.
  3. I actually meant to say it is, but my iPhone auto-corrected to say something else, LOL. I picked the show up early on but never got into it.
  4. Does it matter? We've seen next to nothing about this game besides trailers and small sections of combat gameplay footage. These commenters don't have any more of an idea about the leveling and customization features than we do.
  5. It's a good movie to watch back-to-back with the dubbed DYRL.
  6. KOWLOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111ONEONEONEoneoneoneone I was always somewhat amused and puzzled by the end of the movie, which comes out of nowhere.
  7. I thought it was Robahteck?
  8. Possibly the worst movie title in the history of mankind.
  9. The first 25 or so episodes of Eureka Seven is some of the very best anime I've ever seen. I highly recommend the series (even if the second half doesn't live up to the first).
  10. No Carl = no Cosmos
  11. I found him!
  12. I am not sure how someone can watch this and not see both reboot and sequel/retcon angles. I would argue against it being a direct sequel, but it certainly seems like the original Thundercats TV show might be the inspiration for the new show's backstory. At some point I am going to assume we'll be told what happened in the past on the new show, and my money is on it being some sort of DYRL style re-imaging of the original series (from our perspective).
  13. I understood from the "subtitles" bit, but perhaps you should make clear that you are talking about a Japanese Blu release.
  14. It was mediocre and poorly edited. It was neither a good western or a good sci-fi flick. Olivia Wilde was totally out of place. Color me disappointed.
  15. I finally got around to seeing it. I stand by my initial reaction when the trailers first hit: it sucked. The Bjork/Samurai scene is the only part of the movie that really had me into it, and that's mostly because I love Bjork. It reminded me of a poorly done Project A-Ko ripoff, and fell into the same trap The Matrix movies did; namely, you are brought into a world where people are capable of extreme displays of physical prowess and ability, but they resort to fighting with guns. The movie is basically a fanboy masturbatory fetish fantasy. I can't say it's worse than 300, because I actually like some of the actors in that movie; Scott Glenn doesn't get enough screen time to make up for the empty eye candy that makes up the mostly female cast. I dunno what you guys see in this movie, but to each their own.
  16. Technically speaking, we can, along with that which falls into a gray area (fansubs). That's no longer much of a rallying point. I think at this point most of us are content to sit back, munch popcorn, and point and laugh.
  17. Currently at 69% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Word is avoid seeing it in 3-D.
  18. I was an odd duck coming out of Robotech; I was a MOSPEADA fan. This is probably largely due to a toy store called Children's Palace. They had a section of the store that I swear was just Japanese toys. They didn't have a lot of Macross stuff, but they always seemed to have a bunch if MOSPEADA stuff. And I don't mean Robotech branded toys. (The other series' toy line that sticks out to me that they carried was Orguss). So, my loyalties went with the toys I had (though, I did have a Jetfire that I loved the hell out of). I didn't really get into Macross until I saw Clash in '90 (think it was '90, 9th grade). I was well aware that a lot of the animated shows I was watching were Japanese going back into the early 80's. My love of anime doesn't have a lot to do with Robotech, but it definitely fed it.
  19. The fanfic boys at HG will develop an "improved" script for it, create a new English audio track following said script, and rerelease it as "Robotech."
  20. I spy US Renditions VHS releases. Ah, the good ol' days.
  21. And it's directed my Guillermo del Toro. This isn't a "B" level picture/typical mindless summer actioner.
  22. Haha, it's not that bad, it's just that the antibiotics aren't totally clearing it. I guess I can't say I was surprised as to how bad it was, but wow, that was horrid even by fan-fiction standards. And I'm not even sure the CGI is up to Macross VF-X FMV quality (nevermind VF-X2).
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