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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'm not. Not only that, but I'm currently rockin' Harmy's de-specialized editions of the OT in 720p.
  2. Two things this picture shows: Luke is the worst Jedi in the entire Star Wars saga, and Boba Fett has the worst death of any character in the saga.
  3. Yeah, "whiskers" isn't working, and it sounds like something Lucas would make a Jake Lloyd Lion-O say. Btw, the inside of the Book of Omens is totally the "Circuits of Time."
  4. Yeah, it's Liara, but not Liara. I don't much like it.
  5. I chuckled a little
  6. Scripts change so many times before filming starts that there isn't much value in arguing over what originally said what. I'm beginning to feel like Star Wars was a fluke, and Emipre succeeded because someone else wrote and directed it. RotJ and RotS are ok, and the other two movies are flat out bad. Lucas' empire is essentially built on the value of two films.
  7. Macross does not exist in this South American Dojo.
  8. I have a guild member in beta, and the rest of us are hoping to have messages waiting for us in our e-mail coming tomorrow (the 2nd, when the expanded beta begins).
  9. Irony: George Lucas, circa 1998 - "The destruction of our film heritage, which is the focus of concern today, is only the tip of the iceberg. American law does not protect our painters, sculptors, recording artists, authors, or filmmakers from having their lifework distorted, and their reputation ruined. If something is not done now to clearly state the moral rights of artists, current and future technologies will alter, mutilate, and destroy for future generations the subtle human truths and highest human feeling that talented individuals within our society have created." "Tomorrow, more advanced technology will be able to replace actors with “fresher faces,” or alter dialogue and change the movement of the actor’s lips to match. It will soon be possible to create a new “original” negative with whatever changes or alterations the copyright holder of the moment desires. In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten."
  10. Adywan did a great job recutting the Obi-Wan/Vader fight. It's the highlight of Revisted.
  11. @simonpegg Simon Pegg "Always loved Vader's wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin's ghost. What a f*cking shame."
  12. I don't see how it could; it's a gag, a prank--one that HG had no part in. They aren't liable for anything in this case.
  13. I find this highly unlikely.
  14. That's exactly what I was talking about Marzan, it's never quite the same or as good after episode 26 or so.
  15. http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/
  16. They have no say, and no one has the balls to tell George no.
  17. NY Times: Lucasfilm confirms change Yeah, not buying this set.
  18. More videos from the Blu's are popping up on Youtube, including various new CGI "enhancements" to the OT which look like shite. Grain of salt:
  19. And genocide.
  20. Frak you, George Lucas. Frak you in the ass until you die. Ain't It Cool News: Goddammit, George... NO! I'll pass on this set, and I'll find an alternate method to get the bonus disc content.
  21. Macros and Mospeada are already gritty, dark, and modern.
  22. I've finished both the original NES FFII and the PSX release... Just my opinion, but I believe that FFIII is the great unknown gem of the FF franchise; it might be in my top 5 favorite FF games.
  23. I don't think you could use that much RAM if you tried. Can't beat that 2500K, though.
  24. You won't like II; nobody likes II.
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