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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Damn, that's a hell of a memory, and yes, that was me. That and the "I hate you!" moment between Anakin and Obi-Wan are the only two moments I thought Hayden nailed 100%. Of course, what's ridiculous about that scene between Anakin and Padme is that after he's made this confession about mass murder to her, the atrocity barely registers in her face or actions.
  2. This statement is wrong--beyond just my opinion--and it has nothing to do with Vader's new "No." Biggest release? Most popular release? Unequivocally, yes. A solid argument can be made for LoTR: Extended was a superior release; the same can be said for The Ten Commandments. Smaller-set wise, Apocalypse Now and Citizen Kane both had higher-quality releases this year. The supplemental material has a limited viewing life. When it comes down to video quality, the Saga falls far short.
  3. Personally, I thought it was brilliant.
  4. http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/3894/starwarscollection.html A thorough review of the Blu's, with an in-depth analysis of the video.
  5. Not probably, definitely. They shouldn't be "matched," they should preserve the original look.
  6. What pisses me off is that this set should have rivaled the Blade Runner Blu release, and it doesn't come even close. The man can't even bothered to do higher resolution scans of his movies.
  7. I dunno, Highlander can be pretty bad, LOL.
  8. Worst retcon ever.
  9. Kind of a silly question, isn't it? What's worse is that they are the same transfers, and you lose resolution going to 3D. 720p 3D Star Wars on the big screen anyone?
  10. Deleted scenes are up on youtube.
  11. I don't find that to be a compelling reason for him to go back and make an embarrassment out of these films.
  12. We're in the same boat (well, it wasn't a drive in for me), but I can't get over all the needless and useless CGI additions to Star Wars (including the horrid Han stepping on Jabba's tail), the laughable Wampa addition to Empire, or the "Jedi Rock" bullshit Lucas added at the beginning of Jedi, which pretty much makes the movie unshowable to anyone who hasn't seen it before.
  13. Trivial? Please don't tell me you're one of those who grew up only really knowing the Special Editions? Besides, your 1k resolution scan of Star Wars isn't significantly better than my 720p copies, and I get to watch the films as they were originally intended to be seen. Not to mention those tacked on CGI effects in the OT stick out like a sore thumb in 1080p.
  14. Yeah, ya know, I look at it like this: these aren't the movies I knew for the first 20 years of my life. Lucas' alterations severely impact my enjoyment of the films. On top of that, I have Harmy's "de-specialized" editions of the OT in 720P. As far as the prequels go, I'll only watch the Phantom Editor's cuts of Episodes I and II (and then only rarely), and I haven't found a cut of III I'm entirely happy with yet. Generally, I don't pay much attention to the prequels. If you're buying them just for the supplements, there will be far easier ways to watch the handful of cut scenes from the OT without buying the set, and you really only need to see them once. From my point of view, I don't understand why people are buying them.
  15. Netflix finally got around to sending Thor my way. I enjoyed it and didn't feel like my time was wasted. Now I'm waiting on Captain America to come out on Blu...
  16. Needs more VCRs.
  17. I'm a fan of the concept of Highlander, but not of how it was executed. I don't see the original movie as the classic most think it is; it's poorly written, poorly directed, and poorly acted. I actually do like the TV series. A reboot for me, if done right, might be worth seeing. But I can't vote on this until we see what this reboot will look like. The original Conan (director's cut, thank you) is epic. Highlander was never in the same league as Conan.
  18. My question is this: Did that poster actually exist, or was it a Photoshop gag? I either don't remember if this was discussed, or simply wasn't paying attention (I mostly come to this thread to eat popcorn and throw darts).
  19. Correction: it's the special editions on Blu.
  20. They don't scuff if you don't buy them.
  21. Barry Windsor-Smith
  22. Sure. I'll post them in the morning.
  23. I dunno, A1, you keep following with this line of thinking, and you'll start defending Kawamori's magical tree-hugging retcon of the Macross franchise.
  24. No, these scenes are all on the supplements disc; they are not integrated into the movies.
  25. TESB Han & Leia deleted scene Not one of those joke videos, this is an actual cut scene from the blu-ray. It would seem that it was an alternate to the "I'd just as soon kiss a Wookie" argument, or perhaps it was meant take place right before it.
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