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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Ok, I'm curious... As someone who had problems with the LotR movies, is it worth my time to check out the extended editions? I find the story interesting enough (I'm a casual LotR fan, at best), I just don't think the first and third films were done all that well (more so the first than the third).
  2. I <3 Macross Plus. There, I said it. It's the last Macross production that--for me--feels like it fits in with SDFM, DYRL, and 2012. Is there anything I don't like about it? Um, nope. I'm even content with the length of it.
  3. I have owned 5 copies of the OT over my life, and seen them all in the theaters. That I chose for my 6th set a fan effort to restore the films to their original vision should answer your question well enough. While you'll defend your love of this release as much as I'll defend my disdain for it, I find it hard to believe that in your heart-of-hearts you didn't want more from this set.
  4. No, I said the transfers were below what they deserved. And yes, to each their own.
  5. I thought we already established that I am? I'd pay even more for a similar release of Lawrence of Arabia. And if you think I'm only "hung up" on the video quality TPM, you're really missing 90% of the discussion that's been going on.
  6. Quality of transfer? Unaltered original trilogy? $300? Probably not. The right release, I might pay $200. More than a few of us here out a decent chunk if change for AnimEigo's Macross set when it first came out. I'd wager there are many more who would do the same for the right Star Wars release.
  7. Unsubstantiated? You mean besides every in-depth review of the release that has been done? You guys can't have it both ways. You can't tell me my copies of Harmy's "despecialized" OT in 720p are vastly inferior to your Blu's, and then turn around and deny the superior quality of the restoration and transfer that was done for Ben Hur. I'm not one who settles for "good enough," especially when it's something I'm passionate about, like film.
  8. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.
  9. Ok, time for me to start beating the video quality drum again: the first reviews are coming out of the Ben-Hur blu-ray release (which got a brand new, 8k resolution transfer from the original 65mm negative), and to say they are glowing would be putting it lightly. I want to know why Star Wars deserved anything less than this?
  10. You already answered your own question; no reason at all to look there for anyone. Some of you guys are starting to worry me; you're starting to sound like a bunch of Trekkies nitpicking something that happened in an episode of some 40 year old tv show.
  11. Why would they be looking for someone they didn't know even existed?
  12. Again, what are you talking about?
  13. I'm not quite sure how it is overrated. The prequels are universally maligned, Jedi's gotten it's share of flack over the past 25 years, and the "expanded universe" productions are generally mediocre and not well reviewed. With the exception of a small selection of games, books, and the original Clone Wars shorts, what exactly has there been positive to say about SW in 30 years? You can't deny the original film is a classic and one of the most important films ever made, and Empire surpasses it in quality on almost every level. The rest Is a mixed bag, at best. I wouldn't call that overrated.
  14. "My mother?" "Yeah" "Let me tell you about my mother..."
  15. Obi-Wan never says anything about the droids being new. And I still don't understand the issue with Leia remembering her mother. We see her adoptive mother in III. Leia says her mother died when she was young, and her father is the only family member mentioned when Alderaan is destroyed. She didn't know she was adopted, there isn't a continuity problem. Obi-Wan not remembering the droids, the whole issue about who instructed who (Yoda teaching all younglings doesn't fix it), Anakin's age, the Clone Trooper/Storm Trooper issue... Jesus, I could sit here and list problems all day.
  16. Ithink it's a pretty safe assumption to make. Out of all the continuity problems that arose from the prequels, this isn't one of them.
  17. Someone needs to tell Rick that Watto doesn't take REF Credits for that Protoculturr Matrix he's tying to buy so they can get off-world.
  18. I wouldn't watch Avatar again, no matter the cut.
  19. KotOR force bond? I dunno, but her death is just horribly handled. I never quite figured out how she moved around as well as she did 9 months pregnant with twins in her.
  20. The SDF-3 in Watto's junkyard?!?! The secret revealed!
  21. I was under the impression that Alien and Aliens were "special editions," and not "director's cuts." I'm fairly certain the theatrical cuts are the "intended" versions of the films. Speaking of director's cuts, I don't think any single movie has benefited from one as much as Kingdom of Heaven.
  22. I always refer to it as just Khan. *shrug* I'm not a Trek fan and I don't have a lot of friends who are Star Trek fans (atleast, none that ever talk about it), but I can't say I've ever heard or seen it referred to as TWOK.
  23. The Japanese DVD's have an english dub? The only thing Macross II has going for it is the Metal Siren.
  24. This sounds like some sort of riddle that they'd have to solve in order to find where he is lost in space.
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