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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Subtle? LOL. I don't think it's a spoiler to say movie 2 is wholey new and original.
  2. Oh man, bring the Megaroad back! Looking good, though!
  3. I agree. Frontier was something I loved watching when we were waiting for a new episode every week, but watching these movies now leaves me a bit flat. It hasn't aged well with me.
  4. It's my canon.
  5. Except there is no movie. It's not in pre-production, or even close. The studio OK'd having someone write a screenplay, which doesn't mean anything.
  6. They're just having a screenplay written; this project has not been given the go ahead, and most likely will never see the light of day. No, there's not.
  7. I'm 99% sure she died where I left her on Virmine.
  8. Well, I finally got around to purchasing some new hardware. Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K Memory: 8GB (2 x 4GB) G.Skill Ripjaws X DDR3 1600 Cooling: Cooler Master Hyper 212+ Unfortunately, it's not together yet because the mobo came with some damaged CPU socket pins. It's a known issue (but not a common problem) with this board. My replacement board (same model) should be here tomorrow; hopefully it'll be free of defects. I plan to take the CPU over 4GHz once I'm rolling.
  9. It doesn't exist, just like Ashley. Blown to atoms.
  10. The restored version, which is the only version you can find now. I dare you to find the scenes new audio was recorded for.
  11. Yeah, I was rather surprised they left the audio untouched. Take a look at Lawrence of Arabia; they did a brilliant job making the re-recorded dialog seem like it was the original.
  12. Pretty sure the weekend squadrons are separated from the general beta testers.
  13. Did not like the additions to the "ultimate" version of The Warriors at all. They didn't visually fit in with the rest of the film, and I didn't need the history lesson--I know who Cyrus and Ajax are.
  14. I have The Warriors coming on Blu from Netflix tommorrow, so I'll add my 2 cents once I get a chance to watch it.
  15. Correction, I am this weekend. LOL
  16. Obi-Wan? He is loser.
  17. Negative. Don't have time for it right now, either.
  18. What was best about Final cut is that Scott used modern computer technology to clean up and fix shots, not replace them. The work they did on BR is seamless and flawless.
  19. Did I miss something? Was the original theatrical release anything but "high definition"?
  20. They said "more than a weekend."
  21. I still can't find any hard evidence of this other dub. Not that I am doubting you, I just can't find any info on it, or clips.
  22. Preach on, Brother Vic!
  23. Well, this is where you and I will never agree: I won't accept, nor will I buy, any further special edition releases--it doesn't matter how good the transfer is on them. I do hold out some hope that the 35mm prints of the trilogy that some fans have been able to get their hands on will see a successful transfer and restoration. The main problem is these have to be done privately, because no company will touch these prints.
  24. I just checked them out on Netflix, doesn't look like they have the Blu's available yet. I'll have to wait.
  25. Bioware announces SWTOR launch date December 20, 2011 in North America.
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