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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Technically speaking, that's the Sith Empire opening cinematic.
  2. Rick is the Galactica; Shane is the Pegasus. How'd that turn out?
  3. There are certain quirks to the beta client that I think most people miss because they aren't checkin all the relevant info on the forums. (For instance, older ATI drivers can cause an extended black screen upon launch). Also, they were staggering logins as they ramped up the servers.
  4. The download is actually more like 30GB.
  5. Flooding, flooding, flooding.
  6. My bad, dawg.
  7. Buying a HDD right now is a big mistake. Prices are way up due to the situation in Taiwan.
  8. Not to be an ass, but did you actually read the email?
  9. Gah, thought this was a Gurren Lagann topic!
  10. Personally, I'd put Casino Royale behind only Goldfinger (which will be hard to ever surpass--its pitch perfect) in the franchise's history. There isn't much after Thunderball that I actually enjoy watching. On Her Majesty's Secret Service is grossly underrated, though it would have benefited from a better Bond; the only Moore Bond I can stomach is The Spy Who Loved Me; Dalton's Bond is generally under appreciated, and likely suffered following in the footsteps of the fat old buffoon; and I find the Brosnan movies to be largely unwatchable (though, not because he failed in the role). Craig works really well for me as Bond, as long as they keep him out of Jason Bourne territory (I'm looking at you, QoS). And I'm still waiting for my theory as to what Dench's "M's" real name is to be proven correct (as teased in Casino Royale). My money is on "Moneypenny."
  11. Director Sam Mendes is quoted as saying filming will begin today (11/03/11). Starring: Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes, Javier Bardem, Albert Finney, Judi Dench
  12. Unless she was in 13, I've never seen her in any other FF game.
  13. Bad mecha designs are still bad. Love the idea, but it's a sticking point for me.
  14. I'm not sure this exactly fits into the scope of this thread, but Yoji Yamada's "Twilight Samurai" is simply brilliant. All three of the films in Yoji Yamada's samurai trilogy are excellent, but Twilight Samurai stands head and shoulders above the other two. It's a crime that it's not available on Blu-ray in the US. What is perhaps more fitting for this thread is Miike's 13 Assassins. I thought the praise for it was a bit overblown (this doesn't compare to Seven Samurai), but it's a good movie nonetheless.
  15. Um, no, not at all. I'm not even going to bother to respond to the rest of your post. If you have more to say, please PM me. Again, I'll say that I am going to give the show a chance. We're what, 7 episodes in to season 1? Had I given up on Fullmetal Alchemist 7 episodes in (which I almost did), I would have missed out on a series I ended up enjoying a lot. I have issues with the new Thundercats series, but it has enough going for it that I think it can be a good show. If we get to the end of the first season and it just isn't doing it for me, you won't see me discussing it again.
  16. Kind of hard to have a discussion if everyone blindly loves the subject, no? What did I mean? I mean they're following the same formulaic format the original show did. At first I thought it was just a nod to the original series, but it's starting to feel like that's the actual format of the show. Personally, I'm going to finish out the first season and give the show a fair chance. If I end up feeling indifferent at the end of it, I'll stop watching.
  17. Well, it's how the original series was; conflict of the week with strange creatures that seem like they came out of nowhere and exist nowhere else.
  18. I'll finish out this first season, but the show isn't impressing me enough to be interested in it anymore. The nostalgia factor wore off really quickly in the new episode. If I was 11 again I'd probably really enjoy it; I just happen to be 35 now.
  19. RD, I'd say SWTOR feels "familiar" (or perhaps comfortable) to play if you've played any mainstream MMO in the past decade, but the gameplay experience itself doesn't remind me of WoW at all.
  20. I just took the time to take a loot at some of the old Alpha footage; man, does the game look a lot different now. There was so much hand-ringing going on by some people over the graphics when this stuff was first shown. Makes me chuckle, now.
  21. EA COO Peter Moore: "The Old Republic is in Beta right now and players are blown away by the immersive story, dynamic combat and authentic Star Wars feel. In the coming weeks we'll invite hundreds of thousands of players into our biggest Beta test to date."
  22. Just watched this yesterday, and was entertained by it as much as I was the first. It's not great by any means, but I enjoyed it. Outside of direction and script complaints, it still suffers from the same problems the first two do: too much time spent on humans and not enough on Transformers, and sometimes it's really hard to tell the robots apart.
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