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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. The inclusion (or exclusion) of rocket punch for the robots will make or break this movie. Without it, it is doomed to fail. Just sayin'.
  2. You need to stop listening to rumors. Ridley Scott states that the extended cut on Blu-ray will run about 20 minutes longer. He specifically calls it an extended cut, and states that what we saw in the theater was his director's cut.
  3. Occording to Ridley, this originally was made more clear in the script, but they thought that "it was a little too on the nose." Negotiator, It doesn't make sense to you because you are confusing human theology with science-fact within that universe.
  4. Ok, I didn't make this connection while watching it (2000 years), and I probably should have. It seems obvious now reading this quote from Ridley Scott:
  5. I don't get some of the nitpicks I've been reading online about things not being answered. To them I say, "so what?" BTW, I felt that Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba were all excellent in the film, and if Fassbender isn't nominated for something, it'll be a crime.
  6. Just saw it in IMAX 3D; it was glorious. The ending shot was unecessary, and I have a few nitpicks here and there, but otherwise I thought it was awesome.
  7. Oh hell yes! http://www.wat.tv/video/mysterieuses-cites-or-trailer-52rdh_2ey1r_.html#useHD
  8. You do realize Bruce Lee was born in San Fransico, right?
  9. Except they don't. And yes, they did say your choices over three games would lead to wildly different endings, and there would definitely not be an "A, B, or C" type ending to the game. The ABC line is directly from Bioware. For me, the biggest problem is the entire Normandy sequence at the end. It makes no sense at all. Had that simple been cut out, I'd be far less bothered by it. But it's still far short of what it should have been (and this is coming from someone who used to defend the ending).
  10. More implausible than what he/she was able to accomplish through the three games up to that point?
  11. Except that entire theory went out the window with the release of "The Final Hours" documentary/document. That ending is exactly what it seems to be, and it's the reason why it's the hardest to get.
  12. The entire episode was a mess. Hell, the show is a mess at this point. I guess this is where I check out of this conversation, as I won't be watching season 3.
  13. Never read the comic, and I have no desire to read the comic. There isn't any "fan boy rage" going on here. I watched the show on it's own merits, and the show just lost me.
  14. From a post on AICN: "Why not introduce Batman to The Walking Dead? It would be just as realistic as a tiny black Ninja chick with a pair of armless zombies on a chain.......for frakk sake...."
  15. Yeah, maybe in the comic books. She seems grossly out of place when she appeared in the show. What's next, a time traveler?
  16. On the nose, Fly--she seemed WAY out of place.
  17. But The Sopranos ending makes sense if you paid attention to the conversation Bobby Bacala had with Tony a few episodes before the ending. Their life goes on--it's the viewers who got whacked (hence the sudden cut to black).
  18. The Normandy scene makes no sense whatsoever. No, you're still not getting it. The level of trauma is completely different.
  19. You're missing the point, Beyond. You can kill someone with a knife, and you can kill someone with a bullet, and they're going to create two entirely different scenes.
  20. Scream, you missed my point entirely on number 1. You also missed what the game itself has been telling you since the original. And your analogy is way off. Something newer and better will fill their role. And no, there aren't any heavy hints of another ending--that was all fan-driven speculation that has pretty much gone poof. Whether they change something at this point is unknown. And Beyond, that was an entirely different circumstance. It's nitpicking by the fanbase because they can--not because its logical. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see why it's different.
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