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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. If there is money to be made by both parties, rest assured they will make a deal. From TheForce.net: "George Lucas has expressed his intention [. . .] to donate the majority of the proceeds to his philanthropic endeavors." "Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that one possibility being considered is an Avengers-style movie universe with not only Lucas' planned final trio of films but offshoot movies focusing on individual characters."
  2. Smashed? You might want to re-read the article.
  3. Mark Hamil on the new movie(s): "Can't comment on Ep 7 before I have all the facts which are short supply right now-Patience"
  4. The one? Did you not read the first page of this thread, big dawg?
  5. I'm not sure how anyone cannot consider this a good thing. George made a joke out of SW and Indiana Jones. And maybe, just maybe we'll get the original unaltered Trilogy on Blu-ray now.
  6. This is an action movie with sci-fi elements. Don't expect any hard science or logic behind the story devices--there isn't any. If you think about it too much the whole thing unravels; turn off your brain and just enjoy it.
  7. I am curious: how many of you here (besides me) saw it in IMAX 3D?
  8. It's OK to read books outside of school. #truestory
  9. That's right, it's not good; it's great. I assume Dan Brown is more your speed? Considering some of the movies you guys get excited about, the bashing of Prometheus smacks of fanboyism. Which, I get--we've all done it. However, there is plenty to praise about this movie, and the reviews back it up. I do wonder where all of you were when Looper was a hot topic of discussion. Seems like all the gun play and psychic powers distracted people from the glaring issues with the time travel plot.
  10. Gatsby is Fitzgerald's commentary on the "American Dream," wealth, and materialism in the 1920's. Just sayin'.
  11. I like you, Drew, but I have to ask: did you even watch the movie, or are you just trying to get in on the gang-bang? I myself go back and forth on some of the plot issues and character development, but the cinematography and direction? Really? You lost me, you completely lost me. Not directed at Drew: There is a lot of Alien fan-boy hate going on in this thread, which is glaringly obvious when you consider some of the absolute shite movies a good number of the members here love. But hey, to each their own--right?
  12. Have to back up Eugimon here. Outside of glaring character issues with Fifield, Millburn, and Holloway, the film is quite good. And most of the answers are either in the movie, will be answered in the sequel (which is in pre-production), or are never meant to be answered. And GU-11, don't be such a puss--watch it.
  13. Merging Ridleyverses: "Does This 'Prometheus' Easter Egg Hint at a 'Blade Runner' Tie-In?" http://www.firstshowing.net/2012/does-this-prometheus-easter-egg-hint-at-a-blade-runner-tie-in/
  14. I see what you are saying, Eug; I just thought it seemed a little too obvious.
  15. People don't seem to be picking up on this
  16. No. Liara is an integral part of everyone's game; for some people (me included), Ashley has been dead since ME1.
  17. Cut off your nose to spite your face...
  18. I always thought a VF-4 would be an automatic buy for me. That price tag says otherwise.
  19. Should I be watching this? Big fan of the original.
  20. Technically speaking, I believe Shepard only dies in the synthesis ending. His mind is aware in control, and he is physically alive in destroy. Personally, my Shepard is alive.
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