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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Actually, it was a JJ Abrams discussion.
  2. I don't see how you could be confused. Look at the box office take of the Star Trek franchise up until Abrams' version came out. Outside of Star Trek IV, no one went to see any of those movies. By and large, they were mediocre to bad, and only supported by Trek's niche fanbase.
  3. The movie already has a writer.
  4. Not what Trek is supposed to be? You mean a movie people want to see?
  5. Of course he did; it's because he loves Star Wars. J.J Abrams has all but removed himself from the conversation, however. Essentially, he feels that he would put too much pressure on himself to get right something he loves so much. There was no pressure with Trek for him because he had no attachment to it.
  6. We've read the book, and what we saw in the trailer definitely does NOT represent the book.
  7. Gross deviation from a well crafted novel.
  8. LFL Confirms: Michael Arndt To Write Ep. VII Screenplay and Star Wars Episode VII: Spielberg Won't Direct I call bullshit on Spielberg. He practically begged Lucas to let him direct one of the prequels. But, whatever; he's out of the conversation. Speaking of directors, Ain't it Cool News is reporting Spielberg is one of three directors that have been shown the new trilogy "treatment." The other two? J.J. Abrams and Brad Bird.
  9. A thoroughly enjoyable movie, with plenty for long-time Bond fans to like. Some excellent performances, and Javier Bardem was perfect. While there might be a piece or two that I wasn't in love with, I enjoyed the movie enough to not care. I left the theater with a smile on my face. One nitpick: Eve is completely the wrong name for that character. Doesn't flow at all.
  10. Technically speaking, the two books inhabit the same world.
  11. Trailer: This pretty clearly deviates from the book. As exciting as the trailer is, I am not sure I am happy with the direction they took this in.
  12. Carrie Fisher--Damn Right I Wanna Be In the New 'Star Wars' "The upcoming Disney-owned "Star Wars" movie will star a much older Princess Leia ... at least if Carrie Fisher gets her way -- because the actress tells TMZ, she'd love to star in the next installment. Carrie was at LAX yesterday when we asked if she'd accept a role in "Episode 7" -- currently in development at Disney -- and she said, "Yes. Sure. Wouldn't you?" It would make sense too -- because "Episode 7" would follow "Return of the Jedi" in the Stars Wars timeline, meaning Leia could conceivably be a lot older in the new movie. Carrie also said Disney low-balled George Lucas with its $4.05 billion deal -- saying he should've gotten about $500 million more." Man, I dunno. Carrie is kinda, well, out there...
  13. CNN is also reporting this story now.
  14. Lucas already talked to Hamil and Fischer months ago; now it looks like Harrison Ford in keen to get back into it: 'Star Wars' sequel: Harrison Ford open to idea of Han Solo role -- EXCLUSIVE
  15. They had Star Wars episodes of The Muppet Show, well.
  16. 32 years ago. Try again.
  17. JetJockey, SW became a product the second George decided to merchandise the hell out of the first movie. The whole thing stopped being pure (whatever that means) once it hit theaters in 1977. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.
  18. It's been no secret that the continued fan backlash has really upset him over the past 10+ years. I think he just got worn out by it all.
  19. Something to keep in mind: Kathleen Kenndy is calling the shots on this film. If you don't know who she is, take a moment to look her up. There are few who are better suited for this task.
  20. Interview with Hamil;he and Carrie Fischer have known about the sequels since this summer when George took them to lunch.
  21. I'll admit, it's been a long while since I read any of it, but outside of the Thrawn trilogy it was all pretty bad (atleast it was back in the 90's).
  22. Well, really, his entire statement is rather silly. If it were truly irrelevant, it wouldn't be generating the kind of discussion it is on the Internet. It's a bit like jumping into a discussion and telling everyone that "no one cares," when clearly the person posting such a message cared enough to post it.
  23. I assume you never played KotOR.
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