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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'm not sure why you call them hate posts. I want the movie to be everything one could hope it could be. By all accounts, it was a bridge too far for Peter Jackson. That said, I will be seeing it on Sunday.
  2. He is, it is already being worked on, and will be about 25 min longer (heard him say it in an interview). All reports say to not see this movie in its 48FPS form.
  3. It's as reliable as it ever was. Fact is even the positive reviews of this movie are mixed at best.
  4. That all depends what your definition of "good" is.
  5. The first trailer was vague enough to peak interest without causing much concern. The second trailer on the other hand... yeah, I won't be seeing this movie.
  6. Which would be awesome. Just as long as Hayter doesn't have to give him the "Old Snake" voice.
  7. The prosthetic is dated in design, which leads me to believe its Big Boss. Though, him missing an arm isn't anything we've seen before from him. Liquid, on the other hand, definitely lost an arm.
  8. Solid Snake, Big Boss, or perhaps... Liquid Snake? The last spoken line of the teaser is "V has come to."
  9. They're being coy, but there is little doubt What's that behind the "title"? Enhancement shows the way...
  10. I can smell this movie coming. This is going to end up being Peter Jackson's "Phantom Menace."
  11. Oh yeah, forgot to mention this: Lucas' yes-man Rick McCallum has left Lucasfilm. Praise be.
  12. Obviously, this isn't 100%, but I'd say we have our director: RUMOR: Matthew Vaughn To Direct Star Wars Episode VII "Me and [Matthew Vaughn] have done nine films together so I'm sure I'll get the call for Star Wars. But I'm sure it's going to be, 'Flemyng, no...I know on paper it doesn't look like much but I promise you it's essential to the part.' So we'll see what happens with that." He pretty much gives it away at the 1:30 mark.
  13. Ok, so, my top 5 Bond filmes as of this very moment? 1. Goldfinger 2. Casino Royal 3. From Russia with Love 4. Skyfall 5. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  14. It's the haircut, my man. Macross 7 does not exist in this dojo. That said, I was always amused by the complaints over midiclorians. It was pretty clear in the original trilogy that there was a genetic component to Force sensitivity. Now, does that mean Lucas has to smack us over the head with a "test" for it? Well, no; I think it would have been far more effective if they had simply sensed how strong in the force young Anakin is.
  15. It's a great scene, well acted by both. And I must have missed the part where he refuses to kill anyone with a gun.
  16. Blu-rays don't explain only one film in the top ten in the last 30 years. Avatar is somewhere in the top 15 to 20, just ahead of Return of the Jedi.
  17. This movie was putrid. I'm not sure it could be any more unfunny. The fact that it was even supposed to be funny baffles me. If I could have given it less than 1 star on Netflix, I would have. Just bad, so very bad.
  18. The numbers are inflated. There aren't more people now than ever going to see films. Here's a list of the top 10 grossing movies of all time, adjusted for inflation: Gone with the Wind Star Wars The Sound of Music E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial Titanic The Ten Commandments Jaws Doctor Zhivago The Exorcist Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Titanic is the only movie made in the past 30 years that makes the top 10. All of these films exploded at the box office minus the modern hype machine. The movies that hit so big these days are far down the list when you adjust for inflation.
  19. He wasn't worried about anything; the fans drove him out of the business. The vocal masses of the internet essentially broke him as a filmmaker. The negative reaction to what George has done over the past 13 years is unprecidented in entertainment--we'll probably never see the likes of it ever again. You can't blame the fans for this--Lucas earned it. He earned it with the prequels, he earned it with Crystal Skull, and he earned it with the continuining need to degrade his past films by "enhancing" and editing them.
  20. With a 2015 release date, they are going to have to announce someone very soon.
  21. Actually, it was a JJ Abrams discussion.
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