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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. But why? Do we need to go back and "de-age" Alec Guinness? There are and endless amount of stories to be told with them as they are. Why are you even assuming they're the main characters of the sequels?
  2. I had already done it. Was just commenting.
  3. No achievement for 183? #fail I want my 15 min back.
  4. The enter movie is full of holes. A real shame.
  5. I am about finished with a new playthrough of ME3 I started last weekend, with all three story DLCs installed. Not that it wasn't a hell of a ride before (whatever your opinion of the ending, old or expanded), but it is now easily one of my favorite gaming experiences of my life. Levianthan adds an integral piece of lore to the Mass Effect universe, and MUST be played if you are a serious ME fan. Omega is a fun actioner, but light on any major story bits. Together these two DLCs add 6-8 hours onto your play time. But the gem, the real piece of excellence, is the Citadel DLC that came out on March 5th. It was crafted with love by everyone involved in the ME trilogy, for those of us who have been there since the beginning. You can call it fan service, you can even call it out of place, but it is without a doubt the most epically awesome DLC I have ever had the pleasure of playing in any game. It is pure joy, wrapped in a cheeseburger of drunken revelry. If you are a ME fan and don't get the Citadel DLC, you are missing out on what is the perfect send-off to the characters we all know and love. You HAVE to play it. HAVE TO. And by play it I mean squeeze every ounce out of it. If you don't you risk missing out some truly wonderful moments. I leave you with this taste (awesomeness spoiler, but not a story spoiler):
  6. So, having read the entire article, it certainly seems that Lucas was in the very earliest stages of pre-production on the sequels before this deal came down. Also revealing: they had signed--or were in the late stages of signing--Hamil, Fisher, and Ford to do the sequels before the Disney deal was finished. And then he essentially says, whoops, I wasn't supposed to say that, and that Disney is looking to make a big to-do out of the three of them coming back.
  7. Wanted to get this in before this gets locked. Like many of you born in the 70's who found anime and manga early in their lives, Toren Smith had a huge impact on my fandom. I was truly saddened to hear this news.
  8. FPS are unplayable without game mode. Game mode puts the TV at 60Hz, which current gen games run at. Most TVs these days run at 120 or 240Hz; hence game mode. It also improves input lag. Game mode isn't a gimmick.
  9. Hey now, thems fightin' words!
  10. I'm fairly certain no tribe on Earth has appendages like that.
  11. Transitions of what? Anime?
  12. Retail, how quaint.
  13. How often have you upgraded the GPU and RAM in your consoles? Right, and that is why consoles never have been on par with PCs. The hardware is outdated before the consoles even hit the market. If you've thought otherwise all these years, you've been wrong.
  14. Console graphics have never been on par with PCs, and never will be.
  15. Avatar doesn't have a single original bone in its body.
  16. I'm totally not going to open that spoiler box, lol.
  17. I was a little surprised it couldn't play PSX games, but I guess if you are going to stream the other two systems, you might as well go all out (even if the hardware can easily do PSX emulation).
  18. I understand you guys aren't into this, but this is a rather large market they are going after. I'm not even sure I'd ever use it myself, but I understand why it's there.
  19. That's disappointing to hear. The first two were really quite good.
  20. So, I've been pretty much avoiding everything about this movie so I can go into it fresh. I decided to stick my nose into this thread to check for blu release news, and I'm getting the feeling that you guys do not think that highly of it. Am I reading that right?
  21. I'm not sure how that would fly. It's a game developed for current-gen systems. Did Square not say they would be developing a FF for the new generation? Will probably be a few years before we see this new game.
  22. VXIII?
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