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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Same reason a lot of other people do: I'm not hung up on the whole "Alien" thing. Yeah, the geologist and biologist were stupid. I don't care, the mythos intrigues me. And it's a gorgeous film.
  2. I enjoy them both.
  3. I'd add my two cents, but after SDF:M/DYRL/2012, Plus is my favorite Macross release. So, ya, I'd likely not steer you in the right direction. But do avoid II.
  4. Shall We Dance is good, Departures is excellent.
  5. Man, lots of whining on the interwebs over the new Star Trek movie trailers and posters. "That's not Star Trek!" They're right, its not; this has balls. The new prime directive: kick ass!
  6. Kaiden may be bland, but he's alive and bland.
  7. Getting vaporized on Virmire will do that.
  8. In an interview with WGN-TV Chicago, Harrison Ford said he was "looking forward to" reprising his role as han Solo in SW7. In other news, and taken with a major grain of salt, http://www.theforce.net/latestnews/story/Rumor_Episode_VII_To_Star_Palpatines_Disciple_150778.asp'>TheForce.Net is reporting on Cosmic Book News' supposed scoop involving the plot of the new Star Wars trilogy. In somewhat related news, Harmy's Star Wars Despecialized Edition v2.1 recently came out on 720p AVCHD. Blu-ray to follow soon. I highly recommend it.
  9. thephantompain.com has changed. Note that "PAIN" "LUMIN" AND "PORTION" take on a red tint after a few seconds.
  10. A1 really wanted to eat that that restaurant, but his car got stuck on the bump at the entrance to the parking lot...
  11. Um, no we aren't.
  12. Excellent doc, and also not on the list.
  13. They were released in the last 10 years. (Ok, technically, The Twilight Samurai came out 11 years ago, but still...)
  14. It doesn't have any of the films in Yoji Yamada's "Samurai Trilogy" on the list, so I cannot take it seriously. Especially The Twilight Samurai.
  15. Here is my concern: while I feel Ford could do an ok job, I have serious doubts regarding Hamil and Fisher's abilitiy to put out an adequate acting performance in even limited roles.
  16. Electric, you do understand why that doesn't make sense, right? Abrams rebooted Star Trek with new actors in the old roles. They didn't get closure; they got new life. Star Wars is a continuation. And again, I am not sure why people are assuming the original trio will be the main characters.
  17. Right, because that's the reputation of everyone involved in developing the sequels: they ruin films with their incompetence.Would you be happier if they hadn't brought them back, and just wrote them out of the story all together? Just pretend they don't exist? Mark Hamil ruined (and i wouldn't even say that) Luke in Jedi with his acting. Harrison Ford not wanting to be there didn't help his performance, either, but his role was pretty limp before he ever spoke a line out of the script they gave him.
  18. Again, I don't know why some of you are assuming they are going to call upon the original trio to carry on like they did three years ago. As if somehow Kathlenee Kennedy, Lawrence Kasdan, Michael Arndt, and J.J. Abrams are unaware of the limitations placed upon the actors by their age or condition. Besides, didn't Carrie Fisher lose a ton of weight in the past year or two?
  19. I hope not, unless you're using a seprate bluray player.
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