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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. *chuckle* Robotech really is the Mets of New York baseball: a second tier franchise forever stuck trying to relive its glory days of the 80's, never amounting to more than a sad joke.
  3. I heard that this news may be past date. Is there any truth to this?
  4. This is how I think this plays out: Hayter does Big Boss in Ground Zeroes, then a new voice actor takes over in The Phantom Pain (9 years and a coma later). This sets up the franchise for Big Boss and Solid Snake appearing in the same game. Note: Hayter has, as of April 1, not addressed a single remark or question regarding Ground Zeroes.
  5. I really like the VF-2SS in the logo. Just sayin'
  6. Oh man, Kojima and Hayter are trolling us HARD. I'm convinced now. Hayter even makes sure to date this thing "April 1" at the end of it. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rjhhf9
  7. Woah, calm down there, Spock. Take a step off the Starship Assumption and come on back down to Earth. My point has always been this: the success of any franchise comes down to economics. There are a multiple of factors that play into this, but generally speaking within the entertainment industry positive cash flow = more production. Whether you like what Abrams is doing or not, the interest he is bringing to the franchise can only benefit it--especially considering where its popularity was before the first reboot was released. You will see future Trek productions because of it. To rage against it is cutting off your own nose to spite your face. That's it, that's all. As far as "the human condition" discussion goes, I will only say this: peace on Earth good will towards men, no war, no hate, no religion, no money--that's not the human condition, that's utopian fantasy. I'll poke my head back into this thread once I've seen the movie. TTFN.
  8. I have no axe to grind. Your view of the franchise is unrealistic, and you choose to attack Star Wars (not quite sure why, they don't even share genres) as a defense tactic. There is more excitement over this upcoming Trek film than any Trek show or movie to come before it. You cannot deny it.
  9. All too easy... Atharun, BSG and Walking Dead are two completely different beasts than Trek. They deal with the human condition, and not some utopian idealization of it.
  10. There was nothing platinum about the platter. Abrams was handed a patient who was about to be taken off of life support and given its last rites. Not only did he save its life, but he had it up, walking, and talking again. "Core Trek" doesn't sell to anyone but a niche group, and even that group had grown frustrated and disenchanted with what the past 15 years of Trek had brought. Abrams made Star Trek relevant, and you're bitching because he didn't make what essentially amounts to a Voyager movie? This is the same sort of bizarro logic I see coming out of some Star Wars fans fretting over the sale to Disney. As if someone could do worse than what Lucas has done to the franchise in the past 15 years. And did you not see what Disney has done with its Marvel properties? No, the new Abrams movies won't inspire anyone to dress up like a Star Fleet officer to attend jury duty. And thank god for that, really.
  11. I just found it very strange that Kojima would say they were two games, but would not comment on how they planned to release them.
  12. This is just my two cents and in no way official: while they've announced them to be seperate games, they are not commenting on how they will be released. My theory--Ground Zeroes will be DLC for MGSV.
  13. Hopefully one of these gaming press types will call out Kojima on his "reasoning."
  14. Hideo Kojima explains Phantom Pain fake-out, why David Hayter isn't in Metal Gear Solid 5 Kojima confirmed that Snake will be voiced by someone new, rather than the David Hayter as usual. "It will be a new person, I can't say who yet," he said. "What we're trying to accomplish is to recreate the Metal Gear series. It's a new type of Metal Gear game, and we want to have this reflected in the voice actor as well." Apparently this change doesn't apply to Japan, as they have announced that Otsuka will be once again voicing Big Boss in MGSV. What a crock of crap. This has totally ruined my excitement for this game.
  15. You have to be the little spoon.
  16. I've never before watched an anime that started out so strongly and ended so badly. They had a great setup and had no idea how to resolve it.
  17. No, I am going to blame it on you being crude.
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