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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I generally don't buy tv shows on physical media, but I may make an exception for Andor. Though, I'd wait for the complete series to be available in a single purchase.
  2. The series is moving very fast and they're condensing events more than I thought they would given the run time of it. I suspect they're saving a chunk of time for
  3. The first movie is the bulk of the book. The second movie is maybe 1/4 or 1/3 of the book and it goes pretty quickly. So, not rushed, it's just how it was written. The main difference being there is a multiple-year time jump in the book that would have had to take place early in the second movie (if not in between movies).
  4. Napoleon is bad. Like The Counselor bad. And the guy who wrote it wrote the script for Gladiator 2. Does not bode well for that movie.
  5. Not sure it's really needed, but I'd want it if available.
  6. Well, this was just a good, old-fashioned Godzilla movie. Very enjoyable.
  7. Its main problem is that it's not particularly well written. The faithfulness to the source is irrelevant given that. It's posing as high-brow sci-fi, but it's really not.
  8. I've read the original trilogy of Foundation books. They didn't really grab me, but they weren't bad. On a whim I recently decided to give the show a try. Almost done with the second season and I can't imagine myself continuing on past this. This is about as unfaithful as an adaption as could be made. They took the primary conceit of the books and crafted an entirely new story out of it that just doesn't measure up. And it has so many twists and turns and hand waves that it just doesn't work for me.
  9. Looks ridiculous, has Godzilla. What's not to like? Would it be better if they were all played by guys in rubber suits (which wasn't that long ago)? I'm down to watch Big G kick some ass. And sure, Kong too.
  10. 45 years after the collapse? How does that timeline work given Max's age in Fury Road? The original Mad Max takes place shortly after things start going south.
  11. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off episode 7. Delighted this BGC fan. I'll say nothing more as to not spoil things.
  12. There are two schools on Filoni: those who believe he is part of the solution, and those who think he's part of the problem. And I can't even agree on this amongst my friends.
  13. Episode 7
  14. I understand this wouldn't have worked with the overarching story Filoni is trying to tell with these shows, but I completely agree. In a similar vein, I was far more interested in Lando's story in Solo than I was I Han's. And now we're getting Lando movie with Donald Grover which I am 100% on board for. I want to know what Baylan is searching for, but I'm afraid we won't find out this season. And it's what I am most interested in. Of course, now we'll have a recasting, and who knows how that will go. Also interested in seeing how Shin deals with abandonment and failure. She's no where near as well-trained or skilled as she thought she was, and it was a rude awakening.
  15. Ok, sorry, but this episode was miles better than the last. Went somewhere and did something. Advanced a story that, for now, only has two episodes left.
  16. I'm not a Rebels fan and am not particularly attached to Ahsoka, but the show is reasonably well done and entertaining. Is it just a Filoni vanity project? Maybe, and I'm not as high on his Star Wars work as others. But, it's not bad. But, like you, I'm questioning where this is going with only three episodes left. A second season? The big movie Filoni is planning?
  17. I didn't miss the echoing of both Luke and Ahsoka tossing aside the lightsaber instead of delivering the killing blow to Vader. I dunno, I'm not sure that was a lesson Ahsoka needed to learn. She never struck me as being undisciplined.
  18. But what was the trial/test? Whether or not she wanted to live? We've seen nothing from her to give us the impression she was on the verge of giving up. Quite the opposite.
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