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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Of course you can. Fans will ALWAYS buy another DVD release. Just call it the Ultra Edition, or Rebuild, or 30th Anniversary... My love for you is like a truck, BERSERKER!
  2. Iron Man 3 was good, but not great. It's devolved into Robert Downy Jr playing Tony Stark, playing Tony Stark--a caricature. But it was very entertaining nonetheless. Not as good as the first two, though.
  3. And then he'd kill you and use you for food. See, that's how he gets you!
  4. This is what Anno does, man! He turns us against eachother!
  5. You do realize your statement about me makes no sense, right? As to your previous post, I'm not quite sure why you think any of us are asking for "Gar" scenes in Eva. Guba, you're just ranting. Come back to us, man!
  6. Abrams: "Again, for Star Wars, it’s very early days, but I believe that, going forward, John Williams will be doing that film, because he was there long before I was."
  7. No, it's "since when was Rebuild like this?"
  8. One thing I wasn't clear on in 3.33:
  9. Whatever that is worth? You mean bringing it back from the dead and making it more popular than its ever been?
  10. Which Trek is chock full of, so this should be nothing new for you. But hey, it couldn't possibly be worse than what Anno pulled with Eva 3.33.
  11. Well said. I was so sure after 1.11 and 2.22 it was finally going to deliver. At the end if the day, I'm not actually mad about 3.33; I feel let down by it.
  12. 1.11 and 2.22 are fantastic, free of the baggage of what came before. 3.33 is the same old bullshit.
  13. Because the series was a mess.
  14. It wasn't the essence of these movies! Christ, he even brought back the long scenes of nothing moving and just voices talking! Not happy. I'm not spending another dime on Rebuild.
  15. WTF? I feel like I just got hit by a 100-ton troll truck, driven by Anno. Insert appropriate "Yo dawg" meme picture...
  16. If there is one thing I've learned in the past 14 years on MW is that the one thing we all agree upon is nothing.
  17. Are they even real? And if they are, under what circumstances do they occur? Context! I've read three fairly spoiler-free reviews, and not one of them said anything remotely like "fans will be very upset with some of the choices they've made in the movie."
  18. Preview reviews so far have been positive. Just wait until it comes out.
  19. Now that I think about it, I believe I chose the scale and dimensions I did to match those of the MLB logo--it wasn't just the colors I was copying.
  20. Excellent! And I think your framing/size ratio of the SDF-1 is superior to what I choose.
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