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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. So, buy a Windows tablet or phone, or your experience will be gimped. Nice
  2. Anyone else watching this thing? MS could not be more out of touch. WTF are they thinking? Windows 8 and Tablet interaction/integration? Cloud integration?
  3. Each new game? They've been living in XIII land for how long now? It's completely off the rails.
  4. SE has said Lightning Returns is the end of FFXIII. I read that to mean no Versus. Personally, I think they should kill the franchise.
  5. It's always been about horsepower and graphics. We play them because we're nostalgic, not because current-gen games aren't fun.
  6. @KazHiraiCEO: Microsoft say they'll kill Sony at E3. If theyre as effective at killing us as they were at killing the XBOX ONE last week, were screwed
  7. It's possible, and has been suggested by others. But Snake would be too young in 1984. The story would have to cover several years to make sense.
  8. Very, very unlikely at this point. Even for Kojima, this would be taking it too far. Sutherland is Big Boss.
  9. You know, there is still a small part of me that thinks they're trolling us--another Kojima trick. But I don't have much hope for it.
  10. The real kicker is that ultimately the power resides in the hands of the game publishers. If they say you can't resell or share their game, it superceeds Microsoft's policies. Their only hope of succeeding is that Sony puts a similar system in place. Otherwise they have already lost this generation.
  11. Why would you assume he'd be using any voice but his own (as he did in the teaser trailers)?
  12. Usually I can sell a recent game (read: 6 months to 1 year) on eBay for around 80-90% of the retail price. So while I'm getting 45-50 bucks back on a game on eBay, GameStop will give you 20. Now that retailers will have a virtual monopoly on used games, how much do you think they'll give you for a game?
  13. You really have no idea about the realities of connectivity around the world, do you?
  14. So, do you prefer it on your back, or on your hands and knees?It certainly looks as if MS has given up on the international market with these restrictions. Oh, and that chart missing out on the 1.5MBps connection that you'll need for optimum performance of the XBox One.
  15. Which is irrelevant to the point being made. Every addition Jackson has made to these stories has fallen flat on its face.
  16. JJ will at the very least be producing it, and I don't see why his usual team won't be on board (they are, thankfully, not working on SW7).
  17. No Hayter, no purchase. And Kojima is full of crap on his reasoning: Otsuka is still doing Snake in the Japanese version.
  18. And we'll all get to see the new Elf character Jackson created and jammed into the movie to diversify the group.
  19. The Kirk you know is not the Kirk of the reboot. That Kirk died along with his father.
  20. What, the 11% of Rotten Tomatoes isn't enough for you?
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