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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. What shocked me the most about MS decisions is that they essentially gave up on the international market. Granted, Sony dominated it already, but wow...
  2. Not to worry about MGSV, it was announced as multi-platform ages ago.
  3. It looks fine, but really, who cares? It goes on a shelf and I only ever see the front of it. It's hardware, not a piece of artwork.
  4. I've had too many bad experiences with Amazon and pre-ordering games. As a Prime member, they've screwed me one too many times.
  5. I'm pre-ordering the PS4 at my local GameStop tomorrow morning.
  6. Sony just beat MS into the ground. It's jaw dropping.
  7. No restrictions on used games. No online required. . Sony wins.
  8. Grew up on KH? It came out when I was in my 20's, lol.
  9. So they remade FF Versus 13 into next gen FF15? I'm confused.
  10. Man, you can't open with Vita... I have, and I've had it since it launched. Never had an issue *shrug*
  11. Battlefront game made by DICE using the Frostbite 3 engine? How can you not be excited about that!?
  12. 80% right now on RT. Still early, though.
  13. Neither is developed by MS. Battlefront was shown during the EA presser, not MS. Witcher 3 has, I'm almost certain, been announced as multi-platform. Yes, Witcher 3 confirmed PS4, PC, and XBone
  14. Battlefront and Witcher were always PC-first titles, I assume the same stands now. I would expect both to be multi-platform, as well.
  15. They just totally piped in crowd noise for their UFC reveal. Camera is showing the crowd sitting there quietly watching, and it sounds like a crowd of 20,000 is on their feet cheering.
  16. Have you read the book? If so, how would you compare?
  17. As soon as I saw the snow I start chanting "Hoth, Hoth, Hoth," and then BAM! Crowd erupts, I'm jumping up and down... I'm so jazzed for this. Battlefront teaser:
  18. HOLY SHITE! BATTLEFRONT! Easily the biggest crowd reaction of E3 so far.
  19. His voice was actually pretty good, but I'm not happy about Hayter. Unless Solid shows up in some end-game cutscene...
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