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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Yeah, I'm sure we'll get a half-hour of five different endings that never appeared in the book.
  2. Xbox One is both region and IP locked. Live in an area it's not launched in? You can't use it. Which, for the first year after launch, is more than half the world, including Asia, Africa, South America (except Brazil), and Eastern Europe. For the fourth time, they've given up on the international market. This means fewer sales, which means less demand; less demand means fewer game sales for the system, which means publishers are less-likely to develop for the system. WTF are they thinking? Their servers ever go down, you won't be playing any of you Xbox One games. They come offline permanently, you'll never play them ever again. Grats! Just like they back-tracked on Windows 8? Don't have a touch screen on your desktop or laptop? TOO BAD! We are the future--buy one and stop whining!
  3. That's a hell of a short-sighted and ignorant statement. I prefer getting the most I can for my used games, not what is dictated to me by what is essentially a monopoly. This is what MS is counting on: most Americans are too quick to bend over in the name of blind consumerism.
  4. This is a MS training video on "how to be a douche."
  5. I have no use for an extra controller right now, but they're pushing the scarcity of said controllers pretty hard.
  6. GameStop has several bundles on their online store.
  7. Kojkma's reasoning for keeping Otsuka in the role is because he's only dubbing Kiefer's mocap work. I get it, but it still blows. I hope we'll hear Hayter as Solid again someday... Perhaps alongside Big Boss.
  8. Watching this teaser, I am left to wonder what exactly the third movie is going to be about.
  9. I don't see how it's the same at all. Xbox restricts how many systems you can play a game on, by default. It restricts how and where you can resell your game, by default. Xbox forces you to log in once every 24-hours for a game to run, by default. Nothing there is the same as what they did with the 360 or what Sony is staying with.
  10. Which is exactly how it stands now. Status quo.
  11. Don't think I brought this up yesterday: the UFC knuckledraggers were an embarassment to EA during their presser.
  12. Except PS4 has better specs, and I am not sure most people care about some of those Xbox features like cable integrations and Kinect.
  13. "In over a decade of watching E3 events, I’ve honestly never seen one company completely and utterly destroy a competitor like what happened last night between Sony and Microsoft."
  14. XBox One pre-orders have dropped into third place on Amazon's best seller's list, behind the PS4 (#1) and The Last of Us (#2). Edit: Oop, it's back at #2.
  15. Nintendo just mailed it in. Well, except for that Monolith Soft game.
  16. Observation from my buddy Ted this morning:Sony won beacause they kept the status quo. That's really all that had to do.
  17. Metacritic isn't worth discussing in any context. It's a troll-fest.
  18. Pre-ordered the PS4 at GameStop this morning. They estimated they'd be through their pre-order allotment by noon! PS4 (and its games) were literally the only thing anyone was talking about there. It's as if the XBox One didn't exist.
  19. Xbox One is not launching in Asia until the end of 2014. Probably saying this for the third time now: MS's focus is entirely on NA--they've given up on the international market.
  20. No, that was always their policy. It's MS's system OR what the publishers decide.
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