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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Generation 1? Every single one, plus the movie. I don't recall one VA doing the same exact voice for two characters at the same time.
  2. So they have Epcar voicing two characters in the same show? Brilliant!
  3. It's been grossly misreported. Systems are still recoverable, but those affected may have to wait a few days for Sony to push a fix. That said, I can imagine some people deep into a The Last of Us play through are mighty pissed right now.
  4. It looked too good? It was a too effective use of IMAX 3D?
  5. Except they're still third in sales behind the Wii and PS3.
  6. I'm surprised Lindelof gets any jobs anymore. Atleast Ridley was smart enough not to go back to him again.
  7. MS can become the new Sega right before Apple decides to throw its hat in the ring and become the new MS.
  8. Oh, neato, another SyFy original movie! No
  9. You only stand in line if you go to the midnight launch. Personally, I'll wait to stroll into the store until the next day.
  10. In all fairness, I should point out that 300 is more historically accurate than Braveheart was. For what it's worth...
  11. The back orders on the PS4 have surpassed it, not just the release-day PS4. MS declared the Day One sold out on Amazon hours after it was announced. I assume a large number of people canceled their pre-order.Even for all the hub-bub, I still find this all rather shocking.
  12. Standard PS4 has moved ahead of Day One Xbox. I should have pre-ordered two PS4's, and sold the second one on eBay.
  13. The time between volumes really hurts watching this thing. I finally caught up with 15-18, and it had been so long since I watched the last set I felt a little lost.
  14. I don't believe in brand loyalty. If the situation was reversed I'd have preordered a One. And I agree, the only thing that keeps me buying consoles are the titles that don't make their way to PC.
  15. I have a TV, along with a DVR. What exactly do I need an Xbox One for? An alternate UI for my cable box?
  16. PS4 does digital download as an option for their games as well. Xbox has what exactly over the PS4? Kinect?
  17. I dunno. 360 had a year lead on the PS3, and moved 7 million units before the PS3 had hit the streets. Personally, I think the fact that blu-ray won the format war is what turned the tide--I know its when myself and a lot of my friends picked up the PS3. As of this past January, the 360 is third in sales behind the Wii and PS3.
  18. More the latter; Sony just kept the status quo. Memo to MS: when I buy games on Steam, I'm not paying g $59.99 for them.
  19. Oh, I know, I was just pointing out the limitations of where MS wants to take us.
  20. Proving my point on sales: PS4 release-day pre-order is sold out on Amazon (and likely everywhere). Xbox One "Day One Edition"? Still available!
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