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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. TheForce.net: DICE 'Begged' To Do New Battlefront Game In an interview over at ComputerAndVideoGames.com, EA Games executive vice president Patrick Söderlund described how EA's DICE studio asked for the opportunity to develop a new Battlefront game as part of EA's exclusive multi-year Star Wars deal with Disney. According to Söderlund, DICE was adamant about developing the game, which was a surprise coming from a studio with a history of preferring original properties like Battlefield. Here's the Star Wars part of CVG's interview with Söderlund: So one of your big surprises was DICE working on the new Star Wars: Battlefront. As you said, that's pretty much a match made in heaven for fans... but those sorts of dream collaborations don't happen often. I'm glad you say that because it was almost not happening. It was just something as boring as resources and availability. The DICE guys Karl Magnus Troedsson and Patrick Bach were talking and I told them we were in dialogues with Disney over this deal and they just looked at me and said, "Why haven't you spoken to us? What are you doing? We want to make Battlefront." DICE is a very particular place and they are very proud of what they do and you don't really tell them what to do. I didn't anticipate them wanting to work on a license - they've always been new IP or their own IP. But they were just like, 'we would kill to make this game' and the whole studio started talking about it like, 'please give us this game'. That's when I called Frank [Gibeau, EA Labels boss] and I realised we had something here. 'If they want it that badly, then the game will be freaking awesome - we have to figure it out'. So we figured it out, we got them the game and it was that simple. They begged to do it, the opportunity was there and that's exactly why you'll see a game that will be what it needs to be.
  2. That's the thing: taken by itself, its an entertaining movie. Sure, it has some problems, but it's still pretty decent. Add in knowledge of the book and it turns to crap.
  3. Hell, they could have done it as a trilogy based around the three major periods of the novel: the pandemic and the great panic, fortification and survival, and the total war offensive. They didn't even have to stick with the format of the novel (a recounting of past events). They were handed the template for a sprawling blockbuster franchise, and turned it into "Brad Pitt saves the world from zombies in less than two hours."
  4. And it's still grossly wrong, not to mention stupid.
  5. I re-read the book yesterday, and the movie seems even worse having done so. How could they have missed the mark do badly? It's flabbergasting. Read the book, skip the movie.
  6. As a fan of the book, I should add it's almost nothing like the novel. The only thing they have in common is a world-wide epidemic.
  7. I actually enjoyed it up until the end. It had plenty of issues to be sure, but its essentially a less-solid (but still entertaining) version of Aliens--only with zombies. But then they ruin it with the montage ending that ended the movie about a half-hour short of what it should have been. The ocean flotillas, the great slaughter of zombies using new (old) tactics, and the China revelations are completely missing in the movie. I am greatly disappointed because of the lack of a proper ending. Otherwise its a perfectly entertaining summer flick. My 2 cents? Netflix it, or wait for cable.
  8. Based upon the quality of the other movies I've seen this summer, I now expect this to fall flat just like the rest. Why we expect anything other than mediocre from a summer movie at this point is beyond me...
  9. Just pointing out the paralells between the two. It's a valid point.
  10. Most of the dialog is forgettable, and generally mediocre to bad. The story is all over the place, and has Trek reboot-sized plot holes. Frankly, its shallow and uninspired. There is no flow to the film, and the jumping around in the timeline is only slightly less jarring by the Shaky-Cam 9000 Deluxe they filmed this thing with. To call the score underwhelming is being kind, and it never once soars the way it needs to. And the fight scenes go on way too long and are overblown. The fight in the city elicited laughs in the theater I saw it in (which was largely filled) every time another building got taken out. Just ridiculous.
  11. It was closed because members here used the thread to childishly and continually fling personal insults at those involved with the Robotech franchise.
  12. They've already stated there will be no price change.
  13. I'm shocked the gaming press is reporting this as a victory for consumers. They ignored us for months on this issue, and only caved after they saw their pre-order numbers dwarfed by the PS4. It was a financial decision, period.
  14. This movie was a goddamned mess. While entertaining, it's certainly not what I would call "good." Honestly, I don't even know where to begin with the problems it has, so I won't even try.
  15. Looks like MS is going to reverse some of its DRM policies on the Xbox One. Months and months of user backlash didn't do it--a week of getting slaughtered in pre-order sales by Sony did.
  16. Epcar is a quality VA. I'm going to put this one on Harmony Gold.
  17. Generation 1? Every single one, plus the movie. I don't recall one VA doing the same exact voice for two characters at the same time.
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