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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. That goes to Mars. And Venus. And a few more planets in our system.
  2. SP, Co-Op, and MP
  3. Guilty pleasure? Where was the pleasure?
  4. A7, I think this calls for a "DUH!" It's like those two White House movies that came out: if you saw the trailers for any of these movies and said, "wow, that looks great, I can't wait to see it," you deserve to have your money taken from you.
  5. Released this year? Warm Bodies, Iron Man 3, and Trek were all entertaining. I have yet to see Side Effects, Spring Breakers, and Much Ado About Nothing (thought they are in my Netflix queue). I'm planning to see Pacific Rim, Only God Forgives, The Worlds End, and Elysium in the next few months.
  6. Why is Arnold still shooting from the hip? It looks stupid.
  7. I am not sure how this news regarding ZOE3 and an upcoming PS3 patch (due July 25) for the HD Collection slipped through the cracks. Siliconera: We Might Have To Wait A Little Longer For A Zone Of The Enders Sequel Zone of the Enders HD Collection’s transition from 30 FPS to 60 was not as smooth as Kojima had hoped for. While it wasn’t as noticeable to first-time players, those who enjoyed the original seamless fast-paced games were able to feel the choppiness. Kojima believes that such action-heavy games deserve nothing but the smoothest gameplay to fully enjoy. Due to this problem, Kojima and his team have re-programmed the entire game, and will release a free PlayStation 3 patch that should fix the problem and greatly enhance its performance. There won’t be a patch for the Xbox 360 version for the time being. Not only has this incident prompted Kojima to work on a patch to fix the problem, but it has also put a halt to the Enders’s Project which was announced last year as a Zone of the Enders sequel. The entire team behind the project has been dismantled, as Kojima would like to re-evaluate the franchise before moving forward, he says. Furthermore, he also wants to re-evaluate fans by asking once more, whether they would still like to see a Zone of the Enders sequel. If this patch does what Kojima is promising, I may pick up the HD release afterall.
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